2013年7月31日 星期三

A Fun Dictionary Activity

Yesterday while cleaning up my old magazines, books, and handouts, I found a 9-page handout from 2006 Taiwan English Language Teaching Conference. It was a session about using dictionaries to enhance vocabulary skills held by Macmillan. The following is a suggested activity, which can be applied not only  as a dictionary activity but also a vocabulary review game.

2013年7月29日 星期一

31 Healthiest Foods of All Time from TIME

An interesting and healthful webpage at TIME. It includes not only the names of the healthiest foods but also answers to why, how and how much calories, and best of all, a recipe. Guess what is on the list before visiting the page. If you have no time to clip through the photos, read on to see the list.


The 31 Healthiest Foods of All Time (with Recipes)

31 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating Now

By Sept. 12, 2012

2013年7月27日 星期六

For Those Who Are Considering Whether to Go to College in the States

J-Xuan, a former student of mine who graduated from NHSH two years ago and just came back from a working holiday in Australia, asked me last week whether she should resume her studies in college in Taiwan or go to college in the States.

2013年7月24日 星期三

2013年7月21日 星期日

The Most Important Thing to Teach Kids

Be it home or school education, the most important thing to teach kids is empathy. When one can stand in someone else's shoes, they won't hurt others because they know how painful it is.

2013年7月17日 星期三

Smell the Roses with Friends--Trip to Erzihping, Yangmingshan

This photo was taken at Black Cabin (黑木屋), a cafe in Yangmingshan. On such a sun-filled day as today, Meiying (袁梅英), Weiyun (徐慰筠), Meichen (朱美珍), Melody (陳美麗), and I took a trip to Yangmingshan with a sunny mood. Erzihping Trail was our destination. But before taking the long stroll, we had to raise our energy level. So we went to the cafe first, enjoying delicious lunch and savoring a cheerful chat.

2013年7月13日 星期六

How English Readers Help?

One way for junior high school graduates to polish their English so that they won't find high school English too hard is to read some readers, such as those published by Oxford, Cambridge (http://www.cambridge.org/gb/elt/catalogue/subject/project/custom/item5964416/Cambridge-English-Readers-News/?site_locale=en_GB), or Macmillan (http://www.macmillanreaders.com/). Such reading materials can be found at Caves (敦煌), Crane (文鶴), or Bookman (書林) Bookstores.

2013年7月12日 星期五

2013年7月10日 星期三

"How to Escape Education's Death Valley"--a TED Talk by Ken Robinson

This 19-minute TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson can shed some light on Taiwan's education too, especially before the advent of another education reform here--the 12-year compulsory education. How to implement the idea of "No Child Left Behind" in school is a big challenge but it must be done.

Though the topic appears serious, Sir Ken Robinson's humorous speech sparks fits of laughter.


Ken Robinson: How to Escape Education's Death Valley
Filmed Apr 2013 • Posted May 2013 • TED Talks Education

On 12-Year Compulsory Education--周行一/教學文化將決定十二年國教的成效

An insightful article on education. Anyone interested in education should read it.


2013.07.10 01:49 am

2013年7月7日 星期日

Can Alzheimer's Disease Be Prevented?--預防阿茲海默症 定期定額存「知能」

This is a topic of yesterday afternoon's udn talks, which I didn't attend.


預防阿茲海默症 定期定額存「知能」

【聯合報 : 記者林思宇/台北報導】 2013年 07月 07日 星期日 04:41

2013年7月6日 星期六

udn talks 2013 熱情不滅--「愛」教育~不設限,做自己


This morning I attended the first session of udn talks with a former student Zhi-hao (馬子皓). In fact, it was Zhi-hao that informed me of this forum.This year's udn talks is divided into 4 sessions, spanning two days, each with its main theme: education, health, culture, and technology respectively.  This morning's session was about love, education, and passion. With unextinguishable passion for education, I chose it. And it was brilliant!

2013年7月5日 星期五

A Woman with a Big Dream


Richer than Trump or Oprah: Meet China's female property magnate
From Pauline Chiou, CNN

July 3, 2013 -- Updated 1429 GMT (2229 HKT)

Part of complete coverage on

A Visit Paid by Diego

Yesterday Diego, a student who graduated from NHSH in 2006,  visited me. He shared with me a lot of good things about tennis, cars, watches and other fields.  

2013年7月3日 星期三

The Invisibility Cloak or the Smart Glasses?--你選智慧眼鏡或隱形斗篷?


2013.07.03 02:04 am


2013年7月2日 星期二

A Good Gathering with Yung-chi

Yesterday I enjoyed a good chat over lunch with Yung-chi (王永奇), a former student who graduated from NHSH two years ago. During the gathering, I found him a boy with purpose of life and an inquisitive mind.

Advice to Those Who Are Fresh from College--施振榮勉新鮮人:要存錢 別挑工作


施振榮勉新鮮人:要存錢 別挑工作
2013.07.02 03:00 am