2010年10月31日 星期日

The Store I Want--A Student's Essay

The following is an essay by a student in Class 314 on a topic given by the Ivy League magazine.

作文題目:The Store I Want

提示:在現代社會裡,許多年輕人都想創業或自己當老闆請。寫一篇約120至150單詞(words) 的英文作文,文分兩段,第一段以Most people want to have their own businesses…為開頭,說明他人或自己想當老闆的理由;第二段則以Someday I will run…開頭,假設自己可以開一家店,會希望開什麼店,經營這家店實現了自己什麼理想或帶給自己什麼感受。

The Effect of Reading--Comments by miguel

The following is a message recently left on my 2009/9/15 entry. I'd like to put it on my blog as an entry to share with those who want to have a good command of English and those who want not to sweat the standardized tests such as TOEFL, GMAT, etc. when they consider taking the tests.


2010年10月28日 星期四

John Coutis--An Inspiration for All

We finally finished Unit 5 "I Have a Dream," inspired by Martin Luther King's speech and his dream. Unit 6 "Body Imperfect" was assigned as an independent study. However, I'd like to have a brief discussion about the content with the students. Before that, I'll show them a video of an inspirational speaker John Coutis, whose picture can be found in Warm-up of Unit 6. He is a double amputee and at 30 was diagnosed with cancer. However, never believing in "impossible," he became an inspiration for people all over the world.

2010年10月27日 星期三

I Have a Dream--An Essay by a Student

The following is an essay written by a student in Class 314 on the topic "I Have a Dream." For this topic, many students write about traveling around the world. Some dream to be a teacher and some a successful businessman. It is understandable that having never experienced racial discrimination, none has a dream like Martin Luther King's.

題目: I Have a Dream

2010年10月26日 星期二

Set the Goal Right--操控潛意識/確保目標讓你快樂 錯訂會很慘



操控潛意識/確保目標讓你快樂 錯訂會很慘

【文、圖/摘自《操控潛意識,訓練更厲害的自己!:在家自修的心想事成課,開發你還沒用到的90%》/哈利.卡本特 著/大寫出版】2010/10/26

2010年10月25日 星期一

A Letter to Computer Virus--A Student's Short Essay

The following is a letter written by a student in Class 309 to the computer virus. This writing task appears on a Meow-meow practice test. Though quite creative and interesting, the task is unlikely to be given on the entrance exam for fear that it would be politically incorrect. 

說明:1. 依提示在答案卷上寫一篇英文作文。

           2. 文長約120個單詞(words)左右。 


2010年10月21日 星期四

Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream," plus an Old Entry Re-posted

Today in Class 309 I had the students repeat after Martin Luther King, imitating the way he delievered part of his famous speech "I Have a Dream." The students tried their very best and did a good job. They were stunned when Martin Luther King said a long sentence or passage without running out of breath, for example,

2010年10月19日 星期二

Holding on to the Dream

Yesterday when Annie (詹麗馨老師) told me about the story of Paulo Coelho, the author of the international best-seller The Alchemist, mentioned in the book The Element, I was speechless. Then today I sped up my reading of the book. Finally in Chapter 6 I read the story. Again, I was overwhelmed.

2010年10月18日 星期一

Melody's Presentation, on the Calgary Study Tour and Writing Projects

This afternoon, Melody (陳美麗老師) gave a presentation on this summer's three-week Calgary study tour, based on her observation as one of the leaders. In her opinion, an important factor determining whether the students enjoyed the tour or not was the host family. Besides, she pointed out that to expect students' English to improve by leaps and bounds within three weeks is unrealistic. However, she added, the experience did plant the seed of love for English in students' mind.

2010年10月15日 星期五

PowerPoint for Compound Adjectives 複合形容詞練習

Yesterday when we were discussing the 1st mid-term, a student asked me to explain the following question:

leg-lengthened surgery or leg-lengthening surgery?

2010年10月14日 星期四

PowerPoint for Subjunctive Mood

For today's grammar lesson, I made a PowerPoint as follows. It can be used not only by teachers in class but also by students to review the sentence pattern.
subjunctive mood.ppt

2010年10月13日 星期三

A List of Supplementary Materials for Teaching "I Have a Dream"

The following is a list of what my colleague Chris (林詠梅老師) prepared for Unit 5 "I Have a Dream." She put all the supplementary materials in a file, including some film clips and documents, and shared them with all the teachers of senior students. We owe her a debt of gratitude.

Thanks to the Internet and YouTube, we now don't need to go to the library or buy CDs and videos for a single lesson. Just with a few clicks, we got all these supplementary materials in hand to use in class. It's a blessing indeed.

2010年10月12日 星期二

Accept; Don't Expect

"Accept; don't expect."

This is a sentence I read in Ron Clark's The Essential 55. Ron Clark is an award-winning teacher in the US. In the book he offered 55 rules for his students to follow. Though I forgot many, I remember some, and "Accept; don't expect" is one of them.

2010年10月7日 星期四

We Don't Need to Be Somebody to Fulfill Our Life--廖玉蕙:不必做大官,也不必然得做大事

This title drew my attention because it contradicts the commonly-held belief that we should do "big" things.



2010.10.06 01:22 am

2010年10月3日 星期日

The Power of Positive Thinking--正面思考/好命才自己出錢

The following is a simple but very inspiring article from yesterday's UDN.


2010.10.02 03:45 am