2010年4月1日 星期四

Extensive Reading--李家同 分享大量閱讀的重要


李家同 分享大量閱讀的重要
2010.03.31 03:47 am




My comments: I don't remember if I have read the American writer Herman Melville's masterpiece Moby Dick or not. Though I didn't read William Golding's Lord of the Flies, I watched the movie in the US around 18 years ago.


My comments: As mentioned in an earlier entry of blog, Lord of the Flies is a great work. I love the theme. As a matter of fact, I was stunned by the movie, speechless and motionless after the movie was over, deep in thought, meditating on what the movie was intended to tell us.

The book And Then There Were None is a detective fiction novel by Agatha Christie. Christie was a very famous English crime writer. I heard a lot about her, but have never read a single book of hers. The reason? Well, I love soul-searching books more. The two famous movies "Murder on the Orient Express" and "Death on the Nile" were adpated from Christie's novels

喜愛偵探小說的李家同,尤其推崇英國偵探小說名家克莉絲蒂(Agatha Christie)的作品,他認為克莉絲蒂的手法高明,所描繪的「超完美謀殺」場景更是偵探小說迷所樂道的經典,「人生最有趣之事,莫過於看偵探小說了。」

My comments: I bought two books by Christie. However, before I had time to read them, I lent them to my students.




