2009年2月27日 星期五

Yes, You Can

When I flipped through my old files this evening, I came across a newspaper clipping.  It's about how a high school student made big progress in his studies.   Thinking that the news story might inspire students, especially those who didn't do well on the SAT, I decided to try my luck and see if I can find this old article on the Net so that students can read it online.  To my amazement, I found it, an article in the UDN dated May 18, 2006. 

Mr. Lin was at the bottom of his class in his 1st and 2nd year of high school.  However, after studying hard for half a year, he got a 70 ranking score, the second highest in his school, on the SAT.   How did he make it?  Besides concentrating in class, he made good use of the 10 minutes' break between classes. 

Mr. Lin's story proves that as long as one really wants to do something, he can do it well.

讀門絕招》善用下課10分鐘 吊車尾變第二名

【記者謝進盛/台南縣報導】    2006/05/18













【2006/05/16 聯合報】


