2009年2月21日 星期六

Gems of Wisdom, plus a Way I Teach Reading

Every morning, I can't wait to read the gem of wisdom on the front page of the UDN.  It's usually a sentence said by someone accomplished.   Here are two examples:

1. 在生活中不妨養成「能有,很好;沒有,也沒關係」的想法,便能轉苦為樂,比較自在了。                           --聖嚴法師           (20090219)

2. 「聽」是個被動歷程,「說」才是主動的組織;只有懂得東西才說得出來,說得出來的東西才是帶得走的知識。             --洪蘭(認知科學教授)      (20090221)

When I read the second sentence this morning, I said to myself, "Well, this has always been my belief!"  It explains why I like to have students talk in English in class, even if my students are already in their third year, preparing for the university entrance exam.   When teaching reading, I always ask the students to read a paragraph silently for its main idea.   I will say, "Now read the 1st paragraph silently.  Then tell me the main idea."  After a silent period of 1~2 minutes, I'll ask, "What's the main idea?"   A few hands will rise.  Then I'll continue to ask some questions for detailed information.   In this way the students not only practice some reading skills--skimming and scanning, but also have the chance to express themselves in English.  Though not knowing if this way of teaching really helps them win more points in the reading comprehension section on the test, I believe it will benefit them in the long run.

