2009年2月25日 星期三

To Master English

This morning when we discussed the notion in Unit 2 that no one can achieve the highest levels of performance without devoting thousands of hours to practice, I told Class 310 that I once read in the newspaper that to master English, by which I mean to use English as naturally as native speakers, one has to spend 20,000 hours studying it, according to a study.  So if we study English 2 hours every day, it will take us more than 27 years.  Hearing this, the students all stared at me in disbelief.  Now, they know how hard they have to work if they really want to have a good command of English.

Years ago, a late NTNU professor of mine Mr. Tsan-sui Huang (黃燦遂老師) said at a meeting, "English cannot be taught; it can only be learned."  His sentence impressed me a lot and has lingered in my mind ever since.   To me, an English teacher, the message behind it is: "Once students' motivation is sparked, they can't stop learning."

