2009年2月18日 星期三

An Advantage of Blogging

Yesterday while I was seeking for some good compositions written by former students that I put on my blog, I felt grateful for the invention of blog.  Although I can still put the former students' compositions in a file in the computer so that later I can find them easily, it's impossible for me to let my current students read them on the net.  Without blogging, the only way to share would be to print the compositions out and have them printed or photocopied.   This is not a problem if there are only a few pieces of writing.  However, when there are more than 30, it would be a waste of paper if I had them printed for all the students in my three classes. 

Putting students' compositions on my blog saves paper.  Students can just click "Students' Works" and read the compositions on the computer or print out some they really like.

I love blogging!

