2014年9月30日 星期二

Flipped And/Or Not Flipped?--"靈活互補 傳統教學不能完全翻轉"--from UDN


靈活互補 傳統教學不能完全翻轉
2014.09.30 02:34 am


2014年9月29日 星期一

On Flipped Classroom-7_學生創業/要翻轉老師 也要翻轉家長--from UDN


學生創業/要翻轉老師 也要翻轉家長
2014.09.29 10:35 am


On Flipped Classroom-6_補教名師 用「喀嚓」找知識--from UDN


觀點交鋒/補教名師 用「喀嚓」找知識
2014.09.29 10:35 am


On Flipped Classroom-5_觀點交鋒/台大教授 打造學習界臉書--from UDN


觀點交鋒/台大教授 打造學習界臉書

【聯合報╱記者黃昭勇/報導】2014.09.29 10:35 am

On Flipped Classroom-4_卓憶嵐:母親的熱情 點燃改變教學的火--from UDN


卓憶嵐:母親的熱情 點燃改變教學的火

2014.09.29 10:35 am


On Flipped Classroom-3_官爺鬆手吧 讓教師「翻」更高更好-from UDN


觀察站/官爺鬆手吧 讓教師「翻」更高更好
2014.09.29 10:35 am


My comments: In fact, a teacher is one of the few jobs in which they can decide on how they teach and guide their students to learn.

On Flipped Classroom-2_"研習結束淚盈眶「好想設計自己的翻轉教材」"-from UDN


2014.09.29 10:35 am


On Flipped Classroom-1_"熱血928 逾2200師自主翻轉學習"--from UDN

A big issue in Taiwan's education.


熱血928 逾2200師自主翻轉學習
2014.09.29 10:35 am


2014年9月28日 星期日

A Devoted Teacher--"師鐸獎/他月月捐薪 教書17年存款8萬"--from UDN


師鐸獎/他月月捐薪 教書17年存款8萬



My comments: Teachers can make a difference in their students' life.

2014年9月27日 星期六

As a Teacher, Do You Do Your Job Well?--"你有活出教師的價值嗎"--from UDN


2014.09.27 02:03 am



2014年9月26日 星期五

Studio in Nature


(Made by Annie for me after I sending her a photo at Yangmingshang via LINE)

To celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary on Sep. 28, George and I decided to have some pictures taken. However, instead of having it done in a studio, we did it ourselves at Yangmingshan with the help of a tripod. We took the whole day and it was fun!

2014年9月25日 星期四

Dear Son, Happy Birthday!

Today is my son's birthday. Of course, my husband and I sent him our best wishes via FB private messages and LINE. We even bought a small cake and sang him Happy Birthday song in the evening, though not in his presence. He is studying in the US, far away from us.

Thank You, Annie

This noon I invited Annie (詹麗馨老師) to have lunch to show my gratitude for her timely help with my test item writing.

Friends Often Have You on Their Minds

Yesterday around 6pm, I got a phone call from Po-ching (朱博清), a junior high schoolmate who I just got acquainted with in late April this year. He asked me if I was free because he would like to invite me to eat beef noodles at a schoolmate's restaurant with him and his wife. I said yes and he suggested picking me up between 6:30 and 7pm.

2014年9月24日 星期三

Teach Students How to Cope with Breakups--公民沒教的「分手」課


2014.09.24 09:48 am


My comments: School doesn't even offer courses about love. 

2014年9月23日 星期二

Positive Thinking Makes a Big Difference--分手之痛 何不發憤圖強


高材生情殺/分手之痛 何不發憤圖強
2014.09.23 02:02 am


My comments: When we think differently, we act differently. As a teaccher, I told my students, "When you are in anger, you'd better not do anything, because

d(o)+ anger = danger."

2014年9月22日 星期一

A Letter from Nobel-Winning Playwright Eugene O’Neill to His Son

How many parents would write a letter like this to their children?


Nobel-Winning Playwright Eugene O’Neill on Happiness, Hard Work, and Success in a Letter to His Unmotivated Young Son


“Any fool knows that to work hard at something you want to accomplish is the only way to be happy.”

My comments: What about helping others? What about seeing a thing of beauty? 

2014年9月21日 星期日

Children's Picture Books at Gutenberg Project

This is another good website for reading, also recommended by the professor mentioned in my yesterday's entry.  You can find the famous stories by the Brothers Grimm, Charles Dickens, Beatrix Potter, who wrote the Tale of Peter Rabbit, Mother Goose, etc. It's a pity that among all the books, only Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter and the Tale of Peter Rabbit come in an audio version. Nonetheless, it is a great treasure trove of children's picture books. Just admiring those pictures is an absolute joy.

2014年9月20日 星期六

Children's Literature at Gutenberg Project--a Good Reading Website

This website was recommended to me by a professor who read and gave modification suggestions about an article I had written for Secondary Education, a quarterly journal for secondary school teachers in Taiwan. The website contained a lot of literary works mainly for children, which have been read and loved by adults too, such as Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women," J. M. Barrie's "Peter Pan," Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol," etc. A few of the stories have the audio version. Check it out and you'll be delighted by what is presented to you.

2014年9月19日 星期五

Master at Least One Language--"王正方/總得掌握一種語言吧!"--from UDN


2014.09.19 02:13 am


My comments: Language is the foundation of knowledge.


2014年9月18日 星期四

Less Is More--"殺警、餿油、吸毒/給孩子愈多愈害他"--from UDN


2014.09.18 01:20 am



Character Building--"殺警、餿油、吸毒/救救品格教育"--from UDN


2014.09.18 01:20 am


2014年9月17日 星期三

"Evernote: For Organizing Your Digital Life"--from TESOL Blog

Evernote was recommended to me long time ago by my former student Joel (簡喬). But I never checked it out. Shame on me! Yesterday while browsing the Net on my smartphone, I came across this TESOL Blog article on this app . Perhaps I should give it a try. Getting organized should also be an important lesson for students to learn.


Evernote: For Organizing Your Digital Life

Posted on 16 September 2014 by Tara Arntsen

2014年9月16日 星期二

Education in Finland--"少即是多! 芬蘭教育世界教育之冠"


少即是多! 芬蘭教育世界教育之冠



My comments: I also believe that kids can learn better in a relaxing atmosphere. When I taught at school, I seldom gave students pressure.

2014年9月15日 星期一

"5 TED Talks Teachers Should Watch With Students"--from Edudemic

TED is one of my favorite websites to recommend to students. During the last few years in my teaching career, I presented some to my senior students once in a while, including Ken Robinson's "How Schools Kill Creativity," Adora Svitak's "What Adults Can Learn from Kids," etc. The five talks listed here were not on my list. I'll watch them in the coming days.


5 TED Talks Teachers Should Watch With Students

By on May 9, 2014

2014年9月14日 星期日

Topics of Past National English Speech and Writing Contests

This is a webpage at the website of Taichung Municipal Hui-Wen High School. On this page you can find topics of national English speech and writing contests in recent years. What's better, it offers links to the winning essays on "Being a Good Writer" in the 2010 writing contest.


2014年9月13日 星期六

"8 Uplifting Quotes For Discouraged Students"--from Edudemic


8 Uplifting Quotes For Discouraged Students

My comments: In fact, there are 9, Einstein's included.

By on September 9, 2014

There are many reasons a student can lose focus in school.

2014年9月12日 星期五

Surprise from a Good Friend

My good friend Annie (詹麗馨老師) is good at giving. Yesterday late afternoon, when I got home from the trip, before leaving for the date with my students, I got a gift package from Annie. I didn't have time to thank her until very late, when I came back from the gathering.

Dating with Our Sweet Girls

(Photo from Lily)

Yesterday, after the trip to nature, I hurried to the date with 6 girls from Class 314, who graduated from NHSH in 2012 and are going on their junior year in college, and their homeroom teacher Lily (張俐俐老師) at one of the girl Yu-ching's home before they go back to school next Monday. Although I sprained my left ankle and left arm a little during the outing in Yangmingshan, eager to see the students, I still went as I promised the day before.

Making Friends with Nature

Yesterday morning I drove four old colleagues and friends to Yangmingshan. According to Mei-chen, Yangmingshan is the coolest place in Taipei in summer. At the restaurant, we came across an old colleague who is also retired. She went there with her reading club members.

2014年9月11日 星期四

Is Teaching an Easy Job?

An old colleague expressed on FB her anger over the remarks made by a graduate to her former teacher sitting next to her.  The student said she'd like to be a teacher because it is an easy job.

2014年9月10日 星期三

2014年9月9日 星期二

What Do We Live for--"洪蘭/做好平凡事 一生不平凡"--from UDN


洪蘭/做好平凡事 一生不平凡
2014.09.08 02:20 am


My comments: Albert Einstein once said, "Only a life lived for others is a life worth while."

2014年9月8日 星期一

"In pictures: Mid-Autumn Festival"--from BBC

In today's BBC News in Picture, quite a few pictures related to the Moon Festival are displayed. Click the link and go over the pictures. You'll find some surprises! You'll even seen the giant "Moon Rabbit" in Taiwan, created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman.


In pictures: Mid-Autumn Festival

2014年9月7日 星期日

Taiwan's Cooking Oil Scandal--"Polluted cooking oil in famous Taiwanese stores"--from asiaone news


Polluted cooking oil in famous Taiwanese stores

The China Post/Asia News NetworkSaturday, Sep 06, 2014

TAIPEI, Taiwan -The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a list of 235 companies that bought polluted cooking oil products from Chung Guann Co., Ltd. (強冠公司), based on records the company provided yesterday morning. Some well-known traditional snack shops and restaurants are listed.

My comments: I'm really angry about this scandal. How can a company makes making as much money as it can its first priority, at the cost of the health of those who trust it?

2014年9月6日 星期六

Lee Wei's Wedding

This evening, I attended a former student Lee Wei's wedding at Palais de Chine Hotel. He graduated from NHSH around 13 years ago, in 2001.

2014年9月5日 星期五

A Play

Does this scene seem familiar to you? You attend a gathering, say, a class reunion, only to find almost everyone there staring at their smartphone screen. This is a scene in the play I watched this afternoon, at the invitation of Ruo-heng (陳若珩), a former student who graduated from NHSH two years ago.

2014年9月4日 星期四

Annie, Me, and Our Listening Exercise Book 6

In the afternoon, after the gathering with my junior high teacher and schoolmates, I hurried to the afternoon tea with my dear friend Annie and three ladies from Kangxuan.

Happy Gathering

This noon I ate lunch with my junior high schoolmates in Tienmu. In fact, none of them were my classmates in my senior year. This year's April reunion acquainted us with each other! Our chemistry teacher Ms. Lee (李和美老師) also joined us.

2014年9月3日 星期三

Young Explorer--a National Geographic Website for Children

This website was recommended by I Simply Love to Share on FB. It is intended for kids. Each e-storybook is an issue, for example, garden helpers, web weavers, move to live, etc. Each e-book comes with a page turner and recordings. By clicking the recording button before a sentence, the sentence will be read aloud.


Young Explorer

2014年9月2日 星期二

20 English Phrases That Have Totally Different Meanings In Japan

An interesting article about "Japanese English."


20 English Phrases That Have Totally Different Meanings In Japan
Andrew Miller, RocketNews24

  • Aug.  5, 2014,  2:00PM

How many of you have ever heard of the Japanese word ‘wasei eigo?

A direct translation into English would be “Japanese-made English”, but put  more simply the word refers to English words that, after a little tampering,  have been adopted into the modern Japanese lexicon and used on an everyday  basis. Despite having their origins in English, wasei  eigo words often have quite different meanings to those on which they  are based.

2014年9月1日 星期一

Class 301 Reunion



This evening, I attended the reunion of Class 301, one of the three classes that I taught in the last year of my teaching career. I still remember the interaction between them and me in class. Whenever I asked a question, many of them shot their hands into the air, eager to answer the question to win points. They once told me it was due to their sense of honor. Haha! How can I forget them?