2009年12月30日 星期三

An Era of Computers

Every NHSH teacher has got a netbook recently and has to finish three computer courses by the end of this year. The three courses include Firefox, Audacity,and DIA.

2009年12月28日 星期一

Glove Puppet Show

Christmas with My Former Students

with Bubble with Joel wiht 310

314 hsiao wei311

On Christmas Day, five former students came back to school, Bubble from Class 313, Joel and Jeremy from Class 314 and Chong-hao and Gara from Class 310. I had two happy "chatting" sessions. In the bottom photos are the students with their former homeroom teachers. Gara from Class 310 stressed the importance of English, which is an important tool in college education. She even suggested that students listen to Studio Classroom together and have a discussion about the lesson in the morning study period every day. See how important English is?

2009年12月26日 星期六

214 Christmas Party

Yesterday my homeroom class 214 had a Christmas party in our classroom. They had a really good time. I enjoyed their laughter. The following slide shows what the party was like. Click on a photo at the pause and you can read the caption.



Why Do We Need to Know Schweitzer's Nationality? --洪蘭:為何要了解史懷哲是哪國人


【聯合報╱洪蘭】 2009.12.26 02:23 am 

2009年12月25日 星期五

A Very Happy Christmas

Today I had a very happy Christmas with Class 214, Class 209, my former students, and my family.   Can you believe it?  I just got home.  Since it is very late now, I'll write about it tomorrow.

2009年12月23日 星期三

ei or ie?

Quite a few students have trouble spelling the word "receive" right. Based on my observation, I conclude that when it comes to "ei" or "ie" pronounced as /i/, the letter before the combination is a decisive factor. If the letter is "c" or "s," then the spelling should be "ei." Otherwise, it is "ie." To put it more simply, "i" has a straight line, so "ie" comes after a letter with a straight line. Here are some examples: receive, seize, yield, thief, brief, etc. Interesting, isn't it?

2009年12月21日 星期一

Ken's Visit to Class 214


This morning, Ken (王慶剛), a former student who is studying at Chengchi University majoring in Journalism and English, visited my Class 214. He talked to them in English for three quarters of the time. And the students paid their undivided attention. The following are some key points he mentioned:

2009年12月19日 星期六

A Crisis Is an Opportunity

According to yesterday's United Evening News, Vice Premier Mr. Chu thought it a shame that Taiwan's students are poor at English.


學生英文差 朱立倫:奇恥大辱


2009年12月18日 星期五

Where Have All Their Smiles Gone?--A Letter from a Ninth Grader

This is the letter by a ninth grader which was mentioned in the article in my previous entry posted today.  My heart ached as I read it.




Complaints about the Educational Reform


教改怨與願 蒼白的15歲學得好累


2009年12月17日 星期四

Comic Strips for Unit 10 "Fish Cheeks"

This morning in Class 214, 20 minutes before the end of the 2nd period of class, I had the students form pairs and draw a 8-panel comic strip for Unit 10. One in the pair is the cartoonist and the other the "director." The "director" has to give instructions in English, telling the cartoonist what to draw in each panel. The class did this happily and finished their work in 20 minutes.

2009年12月16日 星期三

Expanding Vocabulary Through Reading

The following article in today's UDN offers good tips not only on how to expand our vocabulary but also on how to select appropriate English reading material to read.


2009年12月15日 星期二

Discussion after Ali's Teaching

After Ali's teaching, we had a discussion in Teachers' Association Office.

The following are comments made by the attendees:

Prof. Chen (陳秋蘭教授), Mr. Wu (吳正東校長), Ms. Lee (李淑媛老師), Melody (陳美麗老師), Ali (葛淑瑄), and me:

Ali's Teaching

(Click on a photo when it pauses to see the caption.)

This afternoon, my student teacher Ali (葛淑瑄) gave a teaching demonstration with Class 209. Her NTNU advisor Ms. Chen (陳秋蘭教授) and several teachers of NHSH observed her class.

Ali did a good job. Her fluent English, organized teaching, and encouraging smile made the class enjoyable.

2009年12月14日 星期一

TIME December 21, 2009

TIME December 21, 2009

I got the current issue of TIME magazine today. Just take a look at the table of contests, and you might be attracted by titles such as The Year in Pictures 2009, The Best of 2009, The Ignoble but Undeniable Truth about the Chinese Practice of Feng Shui, and City Guide: Sydney. Well, go check out for yourself.


2009年12月13日 星期日

A Beautiful Life --舒國治:美好的生活

I just ran into an interesting article on the UDN website, in which Mr. Su defines what a beautiful life is. I'd like to highlight the points I strongly agree with.


【聯合報╱舒國治】 2009.12.07 03:18 am

2009年12月12日 星期六

A Way to Teach Songs

Yesterday, to wrap up Unit 9 "A Memorable Event," I taught Class 209 a very inspiring song "Smile," which was written by Charlie Chaplin. This is a good song to teach the students rhyming.

2009年12月10日 星期四

Turning the Story into a Comic Strip

Two days ago, my student teacher Ali, after finishing the reading part of Unit 9 "A Memorable Event," gave Class 209 an interesting assignment--drawing Chaplin's memorable event and turning it into an 8-panel comic strip. At that time, some students complained that they were bad at drawing. However, this morning, when I collected the comic strips, I was quite impressed with their drawing skills.

2009年12月9日 星期三

A Thing Hard Earned Is Treasured Much More

The following is a news report in yesterday's UDN in response to a recent hot issue on college students eating chicken legs in class.


錢致榕:補習18年上台大 怎會珍惜


2009年12月8日 星期二

A "Silent" Game

This afternoon, in Class 214, around 5 minutes before the class was dismissed, I played a game to relax the students, who had sat in class for around 90 minutes.

2009年12月7日 星期一

Acting Out

Today when teaching Class 214 the 7th paragraph of Unit 9 "A Memorable Event," I asked the students to do silent reading first and tell me the main idea. The paragraph is about Charlie Chaplin's performance after he was led to the stage by the stage manager. Then, instead of asking the class some detailed questions, I had them do group discussion and act the paragraph out silently.

After we go through the whole reading of this lesson, I will have the students act the whole memorable event out. This time, I'd like a "talkie."

2009年12月6日 星期日

What Might Be Included in the Oral Discussion about Steve Jobs's Speech "You've Got to Find What You Love"?

Dear 209 and 214,

For the one-on-one oral discussion with me about Steve Jobs's speech "You've Got to Find What You Love," which you have to do by the end of this semester, the following are some potential topics:

1. Which part of the speech impressed you most?

2009年12月4日 星期五

Honesty & Facing the Music

We always say, "Practice what you preach." However, students don't stay around us teachers so that they can see and learn from what we do. So today in class meeting I decided to tell my homeroom class two of my stories to demostrate the ideas "honesty" and "face the music."

Today, I Celebrate My Dedication to Blogging

This morning, I gave each of the students in my two classes a piece of chocolate to celebrate my 2nd blogging anniversary. After I told them that I would like to celebrate my perseverance with them, both the classes applauded. They are so lovely!

2009年12月3日 星期四

The 2nd Anniversary

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my blogging. On this day two years ago, I attended a workshop on blogging, and since then I've been keeping my blog every day for two years, without any intermission. I celebrated my persistence on the 1st anniversary last year by giving Classes 310, 313, and 314 a piece of chocolate. Tomorrow I'm going to celebrate the 2nd anniversary with Classes 214 and 209. 731 days nonstop!

2009年12月2日 星期三

A Pronunciation Rule--Where to Put the Stress

Every Tuesday, the UDN runs a column on English words, which is written by Mr. Chen (陳超明教授), a professor of National Chengchi University. Today besides seven words to learn for the coming week, he deals with the stress of words. Please click on the following link to check it out.
