2009年4月30日 星期四


Today in class I had students brainstorm some examples of uncomfortable conclusions to which facts sometimes lead, which is mentioned by Mr. Bok in "Have a Good Four Years."  Before they came up with something, I gave them my example: Life is unfair.   I asked the students to give me some facts which lead to this conclusion.   The following are some facts Class 314 offered:

1. Some are smart; some are stupid. 

2. Some are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and some are born poor.

3. Some are good-looking and some are plain.

4. Some are healthy and some are born with defects.

5. Some are lucky and some are not.

Then I mentioned a bit of advice given by Bill Gates: Accept the truth that life is not fair.  I told them this conclusion certainly made us uncomfortable, but we had to respect it.  What we can do is do our best, and then accept what life throws to us.   With that, I wrote Clark's words on the blackboard: "Accept.  Do not expect."

Then the students gave some uncomfortable conclusions as follows:

1. Hard work does not necessarily pay off.

2. Man does not always conquer nature.

3.  What goes around does not necessarily come around.

4. Everyone will die.

The above is what I can remember now; in fact, they gave more than these.  Class 313 suggested that we stop listing more because all these conclusions made life seem miserable.   I told them: "Just do your best.  Then do not expect; accept."


