2009年3月30日 星期一

Presentation on How to Conduct an Advanced English Class

This afternoon I went to a workshop at Xisong Senior HIgh School (西松高中).  The presenter Mr. Chien-chou, Chen (陳建州老師) demonstrated and told us how he conducted an advanced English class.  The following is his course outline:

* Online and library search (Google, Youtube, Wikipedia)

* Greek mythology

* Short stories

* Poetry

It can be seen clearly that the focus is on literature.  An activity he mentioned is quite interesting: Resume of Greek Deity.  He divides the class into pairs.  Each pair is responsible for a god or goddess.  The resume includes

* Greek name & Roman name

* Image of the god

* A.K.A. (Also know as...)

* Area of power

* Symbol(s)

* Birth

* Traits of character

Along with this activity, there is Myth Acted Out Loud, which I believe must be the climax of this part of the course.

