2009年3月20日 星期五

A Test-free Morning

This morning, when I entered Class 314, I sensed a different atmosphere.   The students seemed happier than they used to be in a typical first class on Friday.  Usually on Friday morning they had a quiz from 7:30 to 8:10, so when I entered the classroom at 8:10, everyone would be quiet, appearing to have been weighed down with unbearable pressure.  But today, many of them were chatting like delighted chirping birds.  I asked them why they seemed so happy.  They answered that they didn't have a quiz.  What a heavy burden tests seem to students! 

I often told my students to take the test as a game, which they play to score.   I also told them that without tests they would never know if they had really learned or remembered something.  However, tests still seem formidable to many of them.


