2009年1月12日 星期一

Don't Be Afraid to Work Hard

"怕吃苦,就會一輩子苦。"  (If you are afraid to work hard, you'll live a hard life.)  A short and powerful sentence.  It is the title of an article in today's United Daily News.  The article is a story about how hard the writer's father worked to support the family, which brought him the virute of diligence.  The father later owned his own business, and still, he worked as hard as before.   In fact, I don't think the father found working hard.  He might even enjoy it, and work enjoyed is never hard.

This article reminds me of a news story about a man who was still working at the age of 75.  When asked why he didn't retire, he said, "My father is 105 years old, and he's still working." 

