2009年1月31日 星期六

Yes Man

This morning I went to see the movie "Yes Man" with my family. It's a comedy starring Jim Carrey as the protagonist Carl. The movie is about how drastically Carl's life changes after he transforms himself from a No Man to a Yes Man due to a covenant he needs to keep. Practicing saying Yes to almost every request made to him, Carl experiences great fun, new love, the joy of helping others, etc. It's a movie worth seeing.

The movie is rated 7.3/10 by users of IMDb.

2009年1月30日 星期五

Do Not Spare Your Effort

This evening I watched an interview with Ms. Lang Hung (洪蘭女士). She talked about education. One sentence I was most deeply impressed is "Do not spare your effort. Do more (不要愛惜勞力; 多做ㄧ點)"

Other important points are:

2009年1月29日 星期四

Time Spent with Family

During the Chinese New Year, not being home most of the time, I didn't do a lot of reading, but spent quite a lot of time with my family. That's another kind of spiritual harvest.

Yesterday afternoon, I took my mom to the Pihu Park. Strolling around the lake, we chatted. When Mom was tired, we sat down at the bench and kept chatting. Mom did most of the talk. Looking at the gentle lines in her face and her smile, I felt blessed.

2009年1月28日 星期三

15 Habits of Happiness--from CommonWealth Magazine

In the latest issue (#414) of CommonWealth Magazine (天下雜誌) is an article entitled 15 Habits of Happiness. The article is based on a new book with the same title written by a 98-year-old Japanese doctor. The main idea of the book is that man is made by his habits. It introduces 15 habits of happiness as follows, which is briefly discussed in the magazine article.

2009年1月27日 星期二

The 2nd Day of the Chinese New Year

According to Chinese tradition, the second day of the Chinese New Year is the day on which married daughters go back to their parents' home. I don't know if there is such a day in other countries. If not, I highly recommend that they designate a day for such occasion.

2009年1月26日 星期一

20 Must-see Scenic Spots

In today's China Times there is an interesting article about the 20 must-see scenic spots around the world. This list was recommended by Lonely Planet. Guess what is on the list before you visit the website.

2009年1月25日 星期日

2009年1月24日 星期六

A Day Spent with Diego

On Wednesday, my former student Diego (邱元亨) paid me a visit. We went to Costco because he said he'd never been there. He'd like to know what an American-style hypermarket was like. Upon entering the market, we both were amazed at what we saw–crowds of people! It was a weekday morning and we were wondering why there were so many people who didn't need to go to work. Were they all on a leave? Also, we were amazed at the power of the shopping vouchers.

2009年1月23日 星期五

SAT Translation

This year, the translation part in English on the SAT is a little more difficult than last year's.

1. 大部分學生不習慣自己解決問題,他們總是期待老師提供標準答案。
2. 除了用功讀書獲取知識外,學生也應該培養獨立思考的能力。


My translation is as follows:

2009年1月22日 星期四

Q 12: What makes a good son/daughter?

Imagine you are a parent, what kind of son or daughter would you like to have?  Give reasons or examples.

Q11: What do you consider to be the most important room in a house?

In a house, there are room for different functions: the living room, the bedroom, the dining room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the study room, etc.  Among them, which do you consider to be the most important?  Why is this room more improtant to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Q 10: What is the most important thing teachers should teach students?

I believe you've learned a lot from your teachers.  Among them, what do you think is the most important thing teachers should teach students.  Why?

Q 9: Which is the most important quality of your ideal mate, being good-looking, tender, or passionate?

What do you want most in a mate--someone who is good-looking, or someone who is tender, or someone who is passionate? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific exmples to explain your choice

Q 8: What are some of the important qualities of a good roommate?

Some of you might have to live with roommates while going to university.  What are soem of the important qualities of a good roommate?  Use specific reasons and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

Q7: If you could start a new club in our school, what would that be?

Some of you didn't join any school club last year because you couldn't find one which appealed to you.  If you could start a new club, what would that be?   Why?  What would the club members do together?

Q 6: Would you rather be a teacher or a student?

Teachers teach, and students learn.   Teachers give homework, and students do the homework.  Teachers give tests, and students take the tests.  Would you rather be a teacher or a student?  Why?

Q5: Who would you like to have dinner with?

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would you choose?  What would you two talk about?  Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Q4: What would you invent?

If you could invent somethng new, what product would you develop?  Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.

Q3: What are some things that your peers can learn from you?

 Everyone is unique, with certain strengths and weaknesses.  There must be something in you that your peers can learn.  What are they?  Give reasons or examples.

Q2: How are you going to use the shopping vouchers?

Everyone was given NT$3,600 worth of shopping vouchers on January 18.  How are you going to use them?  Why?

Q1: What were your happiest moments of 2008?

Though 2008 was a tough year for many people,  there must have been some moments when you felt very happy.  Tell us about the moments.

Q & A--for the Winter Vacation

Dear 310, 313, and 314,

What a relief it is that you've got the SAT over with!   Whether you're satisfied with your performance or not, it was done.  Life won't stop here.  Take a good rest and move on. 

Remember we'll keep practicing English writing during the winter vacation?  We'll do it in a more interesting way--Q & A.  Everyone can share opinions about some questions on my blog.  Do not care too much about grammar.  Just write out your thoughts.    To answer the question, click the "Q & A" category in my blog, and you'll see a list of the 12 questions.   Click on any one and key in  your answer in the comment box. 

The following are some rules:

2009年1月21日 星期三

American President Obama's Inaugural Speech

Last night, for the sake of health, I didn't stay up to watch American President Obama's Inauguration.  Thanks to the Internet, I can still watch it anytime.  So many people gathered to be part of history.  The following are the videos and script.  Enjoy them.

2009年1月20日 星期二

When the Blogging System Went Wrong

The following is today's entry I posted on the LifeType system around 9:10pm before the WordPress system resumed.  I'm grateful that the WP system went back to normal before the end of the day.

2009年1月19日 星期一

2009年1月18日 星期日

To Throw Away Or Not To, That Is the Question

Before the Chinese New Year, I have to clean my study room. Now here comes the question: Should I throw away the old TIME magazines or not? Inside me, there are two voices arguing about this: "Don't clutter your study room with those old stuff," and "It might be just a perfect mess." 

2009年1月17日 星期六


This is a composition from a teacher at another high school.  It was written by a student on the 2007 SAT and got the full score, 20. 

You can have a look at the pictures and tell your own story before you read the model.1.








Source: 96 SAT English (CEEC)



If you feel too lazy to download it, just read on.

2009年1月16日 星期五

How SAT and UEE Compositions Are Graded

This morning, five minutes before the class was over, I read to the 314 students two compositions written for the 93 SAT, graded 19 and 16 respectively.  My purpose was to make it clear that to write an excellent compositions is not that difficult.  In fact, in these two compositions no "big" words were used.  A complete well-organized story written in simple English, with some variety in sentences and little mistakes in spelling or grammar made them stand out. 

There are more samples on the following webpage.

An Act of Kindness

This morning, in Class 314, sitting at the back of the classroom, I was grading students' compositions, while the students were studying hard for the coming SAT.  "Please move a little forward," a soft voice came from behind me.  Before I could see clearly who it was, a cushion was put between me and the chair so that I could rest my back on it.  Looking up, I saw Joel (簡喬).  I told him I didn't need it, but he left it there anyway.  Whenever I leaned against it, a warm feeling swept over me.  

Adolescent boys are often considered trouble makers, but still there are some who care about others. 

Thanks, Joel.  You made my day. 

2009年1月15日 星期四

Amended Rules Regarding the SAT

The SAT is around the corner. A week from now, the students will have finished the big exam, and might be relaxing in different ways. I hope they will perform their best on those two days.

However, the students had better take notice of some amended rules regarding the SAT, especially the one related to the cell phone. This year, those who have their cell phone or other around them when taking the test will be more severely penalized, as stated in the news report:

2009年1月14日 星期三

123 Greetings--A Wonderful E-card Website

Yesterday was my good friend Annie's birthday.  I sent her an e-card from "123 Greetings."  Annie told me today that she liked the words on the card.  She highly recommended this e-card website to her students.  Even if they don't find any card which meets their need, they can learn a lot of beautiful English sentences from all the cards there.  I agree.  

2009年1月13日 星期二

Ten Happy Foods

I came across an article on healthy food at the website of Common Health Magazine. Its title is "Ten Happy Foods." This reminds me of a sentence I saw in a Thanksgiving card in the USA: "You are what you eat."

Guess what's on the list.

2009年1月12日 星期一

Don't Be Afraid to Work Hard

"怕吃苦,就會一輩子苦。"  (If you are afraid to work hard, you'll live a hard life.)  A short and powerful sentence.  It is the title of an article in today's United Daily News.  The article is a story about how hard the writer's father worked to support the family, which brought him the virute of diligence.  The father later owned his own business, and still, he worked as hard as before.   In fact, I don't think the father found working hard.  He might even enjoy it, and work enjoyed is never hard.

This article reminds me of a news story about a man who was still working at the age of 75.  When asked why he didn't retire, he said, "My father is 105 years old, and he's still working." 

2009年1月11日 星期日

Winter Vacation Assignment

I finally decided to try having students answer my questions which I'll post after the SAT.  What I am trying to do is create an English environment for them.  I didn't do it during the semester because I was afraid to cause a fight between their parents and them.  I understood how their parents wanted them to focus on preparing for the SAT. 

2009年1月10日 星期六

Test-taking Skills in English on the SAT

Because less than 40 students signed up, the speech I was supposed to give today was canceled. However, for those who needed advice on test-taking skills in English on the SAT, I prepared a handout last night. This morning, I had it printed and distributed it to them. I also gave it to my three classes. Here I’d like to post it on my blog so that whoever needs some advice can just print it out on their own.


In case you have difficulty downloading the file, just read on.

2009年1月9日 星期五

Thank you, Joel

This afternoon when I went upstairs to Classes 313 and 314 to give them my handouts, I found on the landing of the stairs on the fourth floor some leftover and litter scattered. It looked disgusting and dangerous.   "What if someone steps on it and slips? Why didn't anyone who saw it before me care about it and clean it up?" I thought to myself. 

2009年1月8日 星期四

Tips on Preparation for English on the SAT--from the United Evening News, plus My Comments

On the following webpages are some articles about tips on preparation for English on the SAT. These articles are provided by the United Evening News.

英文衝刺 》必殺技--> 熟練考古題


過來人這樣說--英文》--> 匯集錯誤 釐清盲點


英文衝刺》作文要有情節 不要離題


Read on if you cannot get connected. The bold-faced parts are points I agree with. At some points, I added my comments.

2009年1月7日 星期三

Words from Ken

This afternoon Ken (王慶剛) paid me a visit. As usual, we chatted non-stop for a long time, today for about 5 hours.

When I asked him for suggestions to the third-year students, who have to take the SAT in less than 20 days, he offered advice as follows.

"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever"

This morning, during the break when some students in Class 310 were surrounding me reciting the poem "The Road Not Taken" in turn, Yi-an (楊以安) said, "It's delightful to hear my classmates reciting the poem."  I was delighted to hear that. 

2009年1月6日 星期二

Grammatical Terms

This afternoon, a student in Class 314 asked me a question in class. Then he mentioned the term "relative adverb." The moment I found he confused it with "adverbial clause," I helped him distinguish these two grammar points. Then I told him as long as he had a natural sense about the English language, it's ok even if he didn't know these grammatical terms. He answered that if he was going to be an English tutor, he should have a clear idea about them.

Here comes an interesting question: Is it possible that an EFL learner master this langauge without knowing about any grammar? Is there an English teacher in Taiwan who never mentions any grammtical terms?

To Sun

Dear Sun,

The picture is taken from FOTOSEARCH, a free clip art website.  It's not a photo taken by me.  But what my student gave me looked exactly like that.   

2009年1月5日 星期一

Thank you, Tsai-yi

bread with chocolate syrup

Here I have to say "Thank you" to Tsai-yi (林才羡), class leader of 310.  This noon at 12:30, I went to Class 310 to give them a little quiz on the vocabulary of Unit 10, which they should have taken last Wednesday.  Knowing I hadn't eaten lunch, Tsai-yi gave me a slice of bread with chocolate syrup on it.  That's what he usually eats for lunch.  I didn't eat it until I went back to the office.  Though I don't often eat something sweet for the three meals, it tasted very delicious!

Though Tsai-yi looks tough, he actually has a tender heart.

Do As Many Past Tests or Mock Exams as Possible

Here's an article on what to do during the last two weeks before the SAT.


Read on in case you can't get connected.

2009年1月3日 星期六

The Secrets to Good Writing

While preparing for the speech on Jan. 10, I read several news reports about those who got a full mark--20 on the SAT English composition.  I found they did have some things in common.

2009年1月2日 星期五

Tips on How to Write Well

The following is a report about the winners of the 2nd UDN Chinese composition contest.


Some things they have in common are reading good books/essays, learning some marvelous, creative phrases or sentences by heart, and writing one essay a week.  All these principles can be applied to English writing. 

To Annie

Dear Annie,

Thanks for the response.  I totally agree with you that we should set realistic, achievable goals when making New Year's resoloutions.  However, even so, we still may not always stick to them, sometimes because we are lazy, and sometimes because we are busy.  This is when the belief "Man proposes; God disposes" comes into play. 

2009年1月1日 星期四

Slow Down and Stay Fit

In an article about health, which was run on today's United Daily News, I found these healthful words:



To Varren

I got Varren's comments on "Happy New Year!--An Old Entry RE-posted" in my Life Type blog as follows:

Re:Happy 2008 &

Happy New Year!
You had played this song for us too ;)
I think it should be played after the noon rest because it's very useful to wake up the class.

I love it~

Posted by Varren at 01/01/2009, 11:45

New Year's Resolutions!?

Right after I got connected to the Net, a news headline on the Yahoo homepage caught my eye:
