2015年8月11日 星期二

Tips to Stay Away from Dementia--終於公布了!日本抗老化專家公布活百歲也不會癡呆的5大方法!!一定要學起來...

This webpage offers some ways to stay away from dementia.



樂樂25003  2015-07-28

Since the words on this webpage cannot be copied and pasted, I'll list the five tips in English as follows:

1. Get up early.

1) Drink a glass of warm water right after getting up.

2) Drink vegetable/fruit juice three times a week.

3) Exposed yourself to the sun 15 minutes every day.

4) Eat dark chocolate.

2. Cook three meals and avoid processed food and carbonated beverages.

3. Get into the habit of exercise.

1) Sweat properly.

2) Try to lose 5% of your weight.

3) Walk 30 minutes every day.

4. Have good eating habit,

1) Eat raw onion.

2) Avoid eating after 8-9pm.

