2015年8月30日 星期日

301 Class Reunion

Time: 18:00, Aug. 30, 2015

Place: CaLACaLA

Class 301 was one of the three senior classes I taught in my last teaching year. These science majors graduated from NHSH in 2012, and now they are going on to their senior year in college in the coming fall. This evening, besides their "good funny days," our talk revolved around what they are going to do after college. Unlike seniors in high school who all have the same goal: To pass the college entrance exam(s) and go to a good college, seniors in college have diverse options. Many may feel like facing the crossroads in life, not knowing exactly what they really want. However, thinking of their upperclassmen who graduated long before them and are now around 32 years old, I don't worry about these students. I know whatever will be will be. What they can do is seize the day, work their best, and catch what life throws at them.

