2014年12月31日 星期三

Nice to Meet You Again, Brian

Thanks to my blog and FB, I got Brian's mail this morning. We're now chatting on FB. Having been chatting for 1 hour online.

Now, it's the year 2015. We are doing our marathon chatting from 2014 to 2015, as I mentioned in yesterday's entry. Great!




2014年12月30日 星期二

Reconnection with LANN

Last night, I was so touched and exhilarated by the responses to two of my previous blogs, especially the one to the entry posted on August 20th, 2012.


The response, sent on December 27, was from a former student I taught at Chieh-show Junior High around 25 years ago. From the sender's name LANN and the fluent English, I guess it was Brian, which needs to be confirmed.

2014年12月29日 星期一

ELL Students’ Descriptions of Effective Teachers


ELL Students’ Descriptions of Effective Teachers

Posted on 27 December 2014 by Elena Shvidko

How can we become effective teachers? What do we need to do to better help our students and endow them with necessary skills and strategies, so they can continue obtaining knowledge independently? Receiving proper teacher education, attending professional conferences, observing experienced instructors, and conducting classroom research are only a few of the many tools that teachers can use to develop as professionals. However, our students, too, can be a source of our professional development. Therefore, asking students questions and reflecting on their feedback can help us better meet our students’ needs and implement activities that they want to see in our classrooms.

My comments: Reflecting on our own teaching right after class is also a good way.

2014年12月28日 星期日

Regina & William, Congratulations! Have a Happy Marriage!


Yesterday evening, I attended a former young colleague Regina's wedding banquet at Ambassador Hotel. She is an English teacher, conscientious, creative, and popular with students. Of course, among the guests from NHSH, English teachers accounted for the most.

2014年12月27日 星期六

What Is Intercultural Communicative Competence?


What Is Intercultural Communicative Competence?

My comments: This is the definition given by BBC TeachingEnglish.


Posted on 15 December 2014 by Yilin Sun

The TESOL President’s Blog

In recent years, several researchers in the ELT field have raised a series of conceptual issues around how we should express our cultures in English (Honna,2005; Byram,2009; Wen, 2013,). As a speaker, should you stick to your own way of thinking? Or should you adapt to the listener’s way of thinking? As a listener, should you impose your own way of thinking on the speaker? Or should you be sensitive to and tolerant of the speaker’s different way of thinking and speaking?

A Slip from My Routine

How could it be possible? I didn't keep my blog yesterday! I thought I did!

Two lessons I learned: First, do something right away when you know it's time for you to do it. Second, check what you've set your mind to do every day before going to bed even if you think you have gotten it done.

2014年12月25日 星期四

To Taipei's New Mayor, Mr. Ke, on Education--"柯市長,教育死亡谷......"--from LTN (Liberty Times Net)




◎ 張簡曉芸


My comments: Quite complicated.

2014年12月24日 星期三

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

"Merry Christmas, everyone!"

The sentence said by the little boy of Mr. Scrooge's nephew at the end of the movie A Christmas Carol is such a classic!

2014年12月23日 星期二

Happy New Year! Two New Year Classroom Activities

I came across this article yesterday while surfing the Net and shared it with a friend who is still teaching. She said she'll try doing the activities in her class.


Happy New Year! Two New Year Classroom Activities

Posted on 22 December 2014 by ssahr

Celebrating the start of a new year has always been a favorite holiday of mine. During this time of year, in most countries I’ve lived in, regardless of religion, a country’s true culture rings through in song, festivals, and food. What a wonderful opportunity for people to come together and reminisce about the year gone by while looking forward to the year to come! So, be it the Gregorian New Year on 1 January, Vietnam’s Tết usually celebrated in February, or Ethiopia’s Enkutatash celebrated in September, it’s out with the old and in with the new for everyone!

2014年12月22日 星期一

A Happy Gathering--Stay Healthy; Stay Happy, Everyone

A really nice gathering with Mr. Han (韓靖宇老師) and other former colleagues, including some English teachers and two history teachers. I organized this get-together to express our concern about Mr. Han, giving him all our best wishes.

Observe Fang-chi's Teaching

This morning around 10:30 I met Fang-chi, a student teacher at NHSH. We discussed her teaching I observed on the DVD her mentor Ms. Tsai (蔡孟芳老師) gave me on Nov. 27. In fact, I already watched it around 2 weeks ago. However, because Fang-chi had been busy, we didn't have time to talk about the class until this morning. Last night I listed her teaching procedure as observed and also my comments/questions based on the notes I took two weeks ago. Then I found I forgot some parts, so this morning I watched it again and  completed my feedback.

2014年12月21日 星期日

2014年12月20日 星期六

Criteria for Choosing an Outside Reading Book--"選書考量因素"

While doing the cleaning, I came across a copy of this article. Glad that it can be found online. I don't remember if I have posted it on my blog. A review is always good, anyway.




2014年12月19日 星期五

Tips on Taking the English Listening Test for High School Students--"拚英聽-鎖定情境用語"--from UDN



2014-12-13      記者林秀姿/台北報導


Tips for Taking the English Listening Test--"考英聽-抓住5W1H關鍵字"--from UDN



2014-12-19      記者張錦弘/台北報導


English Listening Test on CA--"國中會考英聽 成績占英語20%分2級"--frolm UDN


國中會考英聽 成績占英語20%分2級

2014-12-19      記者張錦弘/台北報導


Diego, Good Luck!

Diego, a former student who graduated from NHSH in 2006, LINEd me yesterday asking me if we can meet up before he goes to Germany as an exchange student. Of course, I said yes. And today, we chatted for almost six hours!

2014年12月18日 星期四

Bravo, Meng-ze!

The concert at National Central University I went to yesterday evening really amazed me, especially my student Meng-ze's (陳孟澤) performance. The last one to go on stage, he played Liszt's Dante Sonata. After he finished, I called out "Bravo!" 

2014年12月17日 星期三

Going to a Concert

Leaving for National Central University to attend a concert. Meng-cher (陳孟澤),  a former student, who invited me, is going to play Liszt's Dante Sonata. He is not a music major, but have passion for the piano.  Last year, for some reason I've forgot, I didn't go. Good that this year I still can enjoy the concert.

This is how the music sounds:

2014年12月16日 星期二

Nice Seeing You Again, Spencer!

After observing Wei-ting's class and having a discussion with her, I left for a lunch date with Spencer, a former student who is studying in the States and came back for a brief visit.

Class Observation

This morning I was invited by Ms. Wen to observe her student teacher Wei-ting's class at 8:10.

2014年12月15日 星期一

Doing What You Have to Do Propels You Upward: "何大一:做「必須」做的事,人生才可更上層樓"



2014-11-27   作者:黃惠鈴

什麼是成功的方程式?如何得到幸運之神眷顧?發明「雞尾酒療法」的愛滋病權威、中研院院士何大一博士,今天在NU SKIN大師趨勢論壇「信念決定未來」,分享了10個重點:     

2014年12月14日 星期日

Cleaning the Toilet--"名家縱論/培養體貼 從掃廁所開始"


名家縱論/培養體貼 從掃廁所開始
2014.12.14 02:21 am


2014年12月13日 星期六

2014年12月12日 星期五

Here I Am, Mingchih Forest Recreation Area

Yesterday morning, George and I planned to go to Miaoli to pick strawberries today. Then we changed our mind yesterday evening and decided to visit Mingchih, a famous scenic spot once recommended by my friends. Now, late at night I'm still here. Upon arriving, enchanted by the picturesque scenery, we decided to stay here overnight, bathed in its unique serenity and beauty.

2014年12月10日 星期三

The Opportunity Cost of Education--"周行一/教育的機會成本"--from UDN


2014.12.10 01:54 am


My comments: According to BusinessDictionary.com, opportunity cost is "a benefit, profit, value of something that must be given up to acquire or achieve something else."


2014年12月9日 星期二

Happy Gathering

(Photo from Mr. Lin)

A happy gathering this noon with Mr. Lin (林煇校長) and Mei-hua (許玫華老師), a former colleague at Chieh-show Junior High School and good friend.

2014年12月8日 星期一

Taiwanese Food in English--"棺材木板?搖擺驢?菜英文翻譯怪 老外霧煞煞"

(photo from http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/5/4/24/n898751.htm)

Does this look like rocking donkeys?

A printout of online information found when I was doing the cleaning today. Happy that I can still find it online.


棺材木板?搖擺驢?菜英文翻譯怪 老外霧煞煞

2009年     09月     05日      13:57

聽奧5日豋場,世界各國選手齊聚台北,但不少選手如果想到餐廳吃飯,恐怕會出現「有看沒有懂」的情況。許多知名餐廳菜單的英譯非常怪,像是點心「驢打滾」明明是一種外層裹綠豆粉的紅豆餡年糕,菜單卻直譯成Rocking Donkey;而台南小吃棺材板,菜單更被翻成Tainan Coffin Board,嚇壞許多外國遊客。

My comments: Well, just let imagination fly!

2014年12月7日 星期日

Tips for Taking TOEIC--"專訪多益990分考生"

This undated article offers tips for taking a TOEIC.



【文/Edward Chung】




2014年12月6日 星期六

Hi, Yu-jung, Nice Seeing You Again

(Photo from Yu-jung)

Yesterday I had a gathering with a former student Yu-jung, who graduated from NHSH in 2006. It's been a long time since we last saw each other. Yu-jung works for an insurance company now. When asked about her job, she said she loved it very much because she could meet people from all walks of life. I'm really happy for her.

2014年12月5日 星期五

Learning/Teaching Vocabulary in Interesting Ways

This afternoon, an old colleague who is still teaching LINEd and asked me how to make vocabulary learning interesting. My answer then was what first flashed into my mind:

2014年12月4日 星期四

Good Time with Friends

I had a beautiful time with three friends today, all of whom were retired teachers from NHSH. Unlike what we usually do, we had a city tour today (We usually bathe ourselves in nature). First, we enjoyed  "Strange Encounter: 2014 Flower Arrangement Exhibition" and "All in a Knowing Smile: Jade Jewelry Designs by Penny Wang" at National Museum of History. Then we chatted over lunch at Bite 2 Eat, a Pizza & Pasta restaurant. 

2014年12月3日 星期三

"ESL Classroom Routines"--from TESOL Blog

For English teachers, this is an interesting and useful article.


ESL Classroom Routines

Posted on 28 November 2014 by Elena Shvidko

Several years ago, when I was doing my teaching practicum in my MATESOL program, I had the opportunity to teach a community ESL class. Most of my students were immigrants who were taking the course in order to increase their proficiency level. The class followed an integrated approach, and, frankly, my coteacher and I found it difficult at times to balance “the right amount” of speaking, reading, and writing. Since for both of us it was our first experience teaching ESL, we were afraid that the course would seem to appear a bit unstructured. Our practicum supervisor suggested implementing classroom routines to help us keep the course more organized. And he was right!

2014年12月2日 星期二

"Taiwan's 'black Saturday' election: A rebuke to China"--from CNN


Taiwan's 'black Saturday' election: A rebuke to China
By J. Michael Cole, special to CNN

December 2, 2014 -- Updated 0556 GMT (1356 HKT)

Editor's note: J. Michael Cole is a senior non-resident fellow at the China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham, an associate researcher at the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in Taipei, and editor in chief of Thinking Taiwan. The views expressed here are solely his.

Taipei (CNN) -- As millions of Taiwanese headed for the polling stations across the nation last weekend, there was a general sense that change was at hand.