2013年4月1日 星期一

Good Chinese and English Writing Samples from 2013 SAT

The CEEC has released 15 Chinese and 14 English good SAT essays on its website.  For an English essay to be picked and posted on the CEEC site as a writing sample, it has to be graded above 19.  Although these essays are not without mistakes.  they are good enough.


102學年度學科能力測驗         國文考科及英文考科作文佳作

The following is the writing task:





You may like to read the first of the 14 picks and its comments.  What is presented below is the original without any modifications except one.

Taking a bus to school every single day was a curse to those who were not lucky enough to have their parents drive them there.  Unfortunately, I was one of them.  Exhausted every morning, I made every effort to grab a seat and slept all the day way to school. Sometimes I failed and sometimes not.  Interestingly, I found out that people were always foolish enough to leave priority seats vacant.  I really took great delight in it, and since then I sat on the priority seats on a daily basis, regardless of every passenger’s staring.

However, something changed my perspective thoroughly.  One day, when I was practicing basketball skills with my teammate, he accidently bumped into me in the mid-air.  It was fine initially, but then I fell to the ground and suddenly, a miserable pain crept all over my right foot!  My teammate hurried to the coach to ask for help.  Soon the coach arrived, checking my injured foot, annoucing that I would have to walk on crutches in the following weeks.

The life of relying on a thin stick was never easy.  Still, I had to catch the crowded bus every morning.  Sandwiched by passengers, I constantly felt my foot aching.  Out of desperation, I looked forward to search for any empty seats, but in vain.  Priority seat!  It suddenly dawned at me that these seats were especially for those who were pregnent, old, and physically challenged.  I elbowed my way through the crowd, only to find a girl sat on it happily.  Her eyes kept glancing up on me with her innocent eyes, not at all did she feel embarrassed.  I thought of the former self.  All of a sudden, I immersed in regret and shame because I, a couple days ago, was doing exactly the same thing like this girl did.

Finally, I did not ask the girl to get up for me.  Nevertheless, since I was eventually free from the crutches, I never ever allowed myself to sit on the priority seats again.  Even when the priority seats were full and there were still old people standing, I gave him or her my seat.  Through this lesson, I guessed I had turned over a new leaf, and the taste of helping others was wonderful!  (379 words)

一、以第一人稱敘寫本文。主角以樂於占用博愛座的喜樂心情開場, 後因在球場上受傷,公車上無人讓座,因而讓他領悟先前自身行為的不當,進而開啟人生新頁,助人為樂。


You can download it.

good 2013 SAT English essay 1

