2013年4月8日 星期一

Comparision of Two Listening Comprehension Tests for Junior High School Graduates in Taiwan

Finally I finished the co-writing of listening exercises for junior high school students for a publisher this afternoon.  During the process, I consulted the listening test of both the Comprehensive Assessment for Junior High School Students and the GEPT--Elementary Level, which is intended for junior high school graduates.  The following is a comparison between the two listening comprehension tests.



Comprehensive Assessment   for Junior High School  國中會考



辨識句意:第1-3 題每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的單句內容,選出符合描述的圖片,每題播放兩次。e.g.CD:(M) Tom and Mary are talking on the telephone.Ans: (B) 看圖辨義本部份共5題,試題冊上每題有一個圖片,請聽錄音機播出一個和該題相關的問題,與A、B、C三個英語敘述後,選一個與所看到圖片最相符的答案……每題播出兩遍……CD: How old is Nancy?A.  She’s pretty.B.  She’s happy.C.  She’s four years old.Ans: C



基本問答:第4-10題每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應,每題播放兩次。e.g.(A) The train leaves at 6 o’clock.(B) Walk along this street two blocks.(C) You can find the store in the station.CD:(M) Excuse me.  How can I get to   the station?

Ans: B

問答本部份共10題,每題錄音機會播出一個問句或直述句,每題播出兩次,聽後請由試題冊上A、B、C三個選項中,選出一個最適合的回答或回應A.  Yes, it’s nice and warm.B.  O.K., I’ll be ready.C. That’s it.    I’ve had enough.CD:Nice weather, isn’t it?

Ans: A


言談理解:第11-20題每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案,每題播放兩次。(A)  To see a   movie.(B)   To go to   a ball game.(C)   To take a   trip.CD:(M) Hurry up!  We only have 20 minutes.

(W) Then we have to take a taxi to the theater.

Q: What are they going to do?

Ans: (A)
簡短對答本部份共10題,每題錄音機會播出一段對話及一個相關的問題,每題播出一次,聽後請由試題冊上A、B、C三個選項中,選出一個最適合的回答……A.  What   they did last night.B.  Prices   at the night market.C.  The   woman’s new sweater.CD:M:    You look great in that sweater.  Is it new?W:    Yes, it is.  But it was quite cheap.  I got it at the night market last night.

M:    Well, it certainly looks expensive! 

Q:    What are the speakers mainly discussing?

Ans: C



(New Items since 2010)短文聽解本部分共5題,每題有三個圖片選項。請聽光碟放音機播出的題目,並選出一個最適當的圖片。每題播出一遍。CD:Please   look at the following three pictures.
Listen to the following announcement. Where will you most probably hear this   announcement?
Attention all customers. The store will be closing in fifteen minutes. Please   bring all final selections to the front for check out. Thank you for shopping   with us and we hope you visit us again soon. Thank you and good night.Ans: A

Total   Items


The example items given above are from the 2013 Comprehensive Assessment for Junior High School Students.

The example items given above are from the GEPT official website.

Click the links and find out what a complete test is like.

1. 102年試辦國中教育會考試題題本暨參考答案(2013 Comprehensive Assessment for Junior High School Students_Test Items and Keys):


2. 102年試辦國中教育會考英語科試題題本(2013 Comprehensive Assessment for JHS_English Test Items):


3. 102年試辦國中教育會考英語科聽力語音檔  (可按滑鼠右鍵下載) (2013 Comprehensive Assessment for JHS_English Listening Test_MP3):


4.全民英檢初級預試考題下載 (GEPT--Elementary Level_Pilot Tests):


5. 全民英檢初級聽力測驗新題型介紹 (GEPT--Elementary Level_Introduction to New Listening Test Items):


6. 全民英檢初級聽力測驗新題型練習 (GEPT--Elementary Level_New Listening Test Practice):


7. English introduction to GEPT:





