2013年4月22日 星期一

To PhD Or Not To PhD, That Is the Question--博士賣幾個錢一斤哪?


2013.04.22 03:22 am


My comments: When I was studying in the States, a former student, then a math major at NTU, told me in a letter that he would like to become a high school teacher.  Of course I cheered him on, but also told him that it would still be great if he changed his mind.  Now he is an excellent cram school math teacher.  Sometimes, people just don't get what they have deliberately planned; instead, a new path emerges.  And it's very fine, really.  Life is unpredictable, isn't it? 


My comments: I'm grateful that I found where my passion was and took the job I loved--teaching.

成功的教育是教會學子如何學習(Learn how to  learn),繼續找到自己最喜歡的工作領域。畢業生有高薪職位,但是活得痛苦,幸福指數不高,有自虐狂嗎?很多人的性向和興趣開發較晚,可塑性強,需要時間培養。在大學匆匆選讀的科系,往往是為了符合家長的願望,或人云亦云,跟著潮流走。畢業後才認識到,多年所學並不適合自己,食之無味,中途轉行需要勇氣,還得付出昂貴的代價。

My comments: Some of my former students dared to give up what appeared good and promising but was not their passion, take a new road, and move on.   I'm happy for them.  At least, they know themselves.


My comments: The author of How Will You Measure Your Life?, Clayton M. Christensen, introduces the idea of deliberate strategy and emergent strategy.   He took himself for example and said in the book,

"I've had three careers: first as a consultant, then as an entrepreneur and manager, and now as an academic, none of which I planned.  When I was a freshman in college, I decided that I wanted to become the editor of the Wall Street Journal, a newspaper I deeply admired.  This was my deliberate strategy." (p.49)

See?  Sometimes, life just doesn't go the way you want it to. 




My comments: Again, I recall what Mr. Cheng (鄭石岩) said in a speech: Teach your children to be kind and happy.  He didn't mention success.


My comments: Live your life, not others'.



My comments: Do we work only for money?  There must be other reasons for working.  


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