2011年4月29日 星期五

The Royal Wedding

The royal wedding of Prince William & Catherine Middleton was held at Westminster Abbey today. It seems everyone in Britain is on cloud nine. Click on the URL and you can watch the wedding, and also the interior of Westminster Abbey.


2011年4月28日 星期四

A Touching Video to Teach Empathy

Yesterday and today we continued to discuss Unit 12 "Have a Good Four Years." When we came to the paragraph in which Derek Bok advised the Harvard freshmen to give some thought to what they can do for others, I showed them a short video "The Power of Words." Here it is:

2011年4月26日 星期二

My Favorite Book--An Essay by a Student

The following is an essay by a student in Class 314 on the topic "My Favorite Book." She read the original and fell in love with it. In the essay, she describes the content of the book and explains why it is fascinating.

2011年4月25日 星期一

The Inevitability of Frustration and Bewilderment and Their Benefits

This morning, in Class 314, when we came to the paragraph in Unit 12 about "inevitable anxieties, frustrations, bewilderment" students will be faced with in college, which, according to Derek Bok, "are often indispensable to our well-being, for they are the spurs that push mind and spirit to some new and greater conception of ourselves and the world around us," I introduced to students J. K. Rowling's commencement speech at Harvard in 2008, entitled "The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination."

2011年4月22日 星期五

An Activity for Unit 12 "Have a Good Four Years"--"Cambridge Freshman's Dinner Speech"

"... examine yourself. Let each of you discover where your true chance of greatness lies,... seize the chance, rejoice in it, and let no power or persuasion deter you in your task."

2011年4月16日 星期六

CNN Students News--Friday, April 15

CNN is a good resource for English learners.  A professor of Chengchi University Yun-mei Yin (殷允美教授) once suggested I have students watch CNN one hour a day.  She said persisting in doing so, students would learn English well.

Here is CNN Students News for yesterday, with the transcript coming after it. 

High school students might be more interested in the following three topics in the news:

2011年4月15日 星期五

Tell and Draw

Today in Class 314 we discussed Unit 8 "No Rainbows, No Roses."  It's a sad but beautiful lesson.  

First I had the students brainstorm what rainbows and roses symbolized.   Then we moved on to the article.  The students were challenged to find out by the end of the article why it was entitled "No Rainbows, No Roses."   Then I read to them paragraph by paragraph, stopping to ask them questions at the end of each paragraph. 

2011年4月14日 星期四

The Effect of Extensive Reading on Writing

This morning, Ms. Wen (溫明圓老師) gave me two essays by a girl when the girl was studying at Zhongshan Girls High School several years ago. She was an avid reader, reading a lot of English novels.

The following is one of the essays. Read it, and you would be convinced of the importance of extensive reading.

Is it fair to judge someone by the way they look? Why or why not?

2011年4月13日 星期三

Taiwan in Their Eyes--他們看台灣/我愛吃米飯、愛用筷子吃沙拉

The following article is an interview with Mr. Ann, a South African who has lived in Taiwan for 20 years. The article is from "Taiwan in Their Eyes," a column run by the UDN every Monday.


2011.04.04 03:33 am

2011年4月12日 星期二

My Greatest Fear--a Song by Randy Travis

Today Chris introduced me a song "My Greatest Fear." A song new to me. Though not easy to sing, the lyrics are simple and quite beautiful. Well, I like it.

Just read the first verse. Can you guess what the man's greatest fear is?

Sometimes many miles
may lay between us
But only for the job
I choose to do

2011年4月11日 星期一

My Biggest Fear--Three Students' Writing Samples for the 2nd UEE Mock Exam

The following are three essay by students for the 2nd UEE mock exam held last week, each followed by the word number and its score.  Though there are still some mistakes, all the three are well written.

提示:在每個人的生命中,總有令人感到恐懼的事物。請寫一篇作文。第一段描述對你來說哪一件事物是最令你害怕恐懼的,以及為什麼。第二段說明你如何面對,或是處理它。 (2011 spring, 2nd mock exam)

2011年4月10日 星期日

NHSH Online English Learning Platform: Good English Learning Websites

NHSH has an online English learning platform (http://english.nhsh.tp.edu.tw/). This afternoon I was browsing it and found some valuable resources. The following URL will take you to a list of good English learning websites.

2011年4月7日 星期四

What I Fear Most

The writing task of this mock exam was to ask the students to write about what they fear most, why, and how they cope with or conquer it.


Coincidentally, I had my students write on this topic last semester. Though the wording of the instructions is not exactly the same, the task is almost the same.

2011年4月6日 星期三

Read English Novels--陳超明談閱讀/讀法律文書 「不如讀好小說」

This is an article I missed in February but came across online yesterday. Follwoing it is a list of good English novels from Mr. Chen (陳超明教授), which my friend sent me through email. Those who are wondering what English novels to read might like to pick one from the list.


陳超明談閱讀/讀法律文書 「不如讀好小說」


2011年4月5日 星期二

A Free DAy--A 2009 UEE Writing Sample

The following is an essay written by Ms. Hsieh (謝孟臻), a former student of Tainan Girls' Senior High School, for the 2009 UEE. I guess she got a 19.5 or the full score 20. This is not the original one, but has been modified by her alma mater teachers. To read the original, please visit the CEEC website shown at the end of this entry.

Some of my students were asked to write on the same topic the other day. They might like to compare theirs with this and think about why she could have scored so high.



Interview Tips: College of Communication--甄試傳播科系/注重表達邏輯 奇招加深印象


甄試傳播科系/注重表達邏輯 奇招加深印象

【聯合報╱王維玲)】 2011/04/04

Interview Tips: College of Design--甄試設計科系/答題有創意作品親自準備



【聯合報╱薛荷玉)】 2011/04/04

Interview Tips: College of Foreign Languages--甄試外語學系/克服緊張 聽清楚問題再答


甄試外語學系/克服緊張 聽清楚問題再答

【聯合報╱王維玲)】 2011/04/04

Interview Tips: College of Commerce and Management--甄試商管科系/經歷別亂掰切忌答非所問




Tips on College Application Interview--甄選第二關 考前多練習、面試放輕鬆


甄選第二關 考前多練習、面試放輕鬆

【聯合報╱記者王維玲、薛荷玉/專題報導】 2011/04/05

2011年4月4日 星期一

A Free Day--An Essay by a Student

f you are granted a day to spend as you wish without worrying about the budget, what would you do? The following is an essay by a student in Class 314. 

Writing task: : 如果你可以不用擔心預算,隨心所欲的過一天,你會怎麼過?請寫一篇短文,第一段說明你會邀請誰和你一起度過這一天?為什麼?第二段描述你會去哪裡?做什麼事?為什麼?

2011年4月2日 星期六

What Do You Lack?--《星雲禪話》你缺什麼?

This evening while I was browsing around in FamilyMart, I bumped into this article in Merit Times (人間福報). Luckily, I found it online, at Merit Times' website. It's worth reading and contemplating.



作者:星雲大師‧ 人間福報 2011/4/2