2009年10月31日 星期六

Is That Heaven?

Today I went to George's college class reunion with him. An old classmate of his, who came back to Taiwan from the U.S. on business for six days, told me about his daughter's junior high school life in the USA.

2009年10月29日 星期四

Whose Life?


2009.10.28 02:48 am

2009年10月28日 星期三

An Acitivity for Teaching Vocbulary

This morning in Class 209, we came to the vocabulary of Lesson 6. An idea came up before I stepped into the classroom. Why not let the students make up a story using the vocabulary words? They could learn to use the words by using them.

2009年10月25日 星期日

A Good Way to Practice Speaking English

Failing to find online the UDN article I read yesterday "賴世雄 開創兩岸英語王國," an excerpt from a book to be published on Oct. 27, 幸福力 (The Power of Happiness), I would like to talk about one thing mentioned in the article: a way Mr. Lai practiced speaking when he was young.

2009年10月24日 星期六

When You Are Willing, There Are Thousands of Ways

Seeing an article entitled "賴世雄 開創兩岸英語王國" in today's UDN, I searched for it online, only to find a short and different version.


Luckily, I came across another article about Mr. Lai on jimmy's blog:



賴世雄頂尖英文 豬圈裡練出來的?

2009年10月23日 星期五

2009年10月22日 星期四

An Interview with Shih-jen

This noon, Shih-jen (張世仁), a student in Class 209, was given an interview to decide whether she was eligible to waive the 2nd-year English course in high school. Chris (林詠梅老師), Wei-yun (楊葦芸老師), and I were the interviewers.

Our quetsions were:

2009年10月21日 星期三

View Yourself as a Diamond

The following is an article found in today's Liberal Times. It is about how we should look upon ourselves. Though its intended readers are salespeople, everyone can learn something precious from it.



文/張秀滿 圖/張芸茵

2009年10月20日 星期二

Teaching Demonstration

teaching demonstration

This afternoon, I have a group of special visitors. They are 16 students from NTNU led by Prof. Feng (馮和平教授), coming to observing my teaching.

2009年10月18日 星期日

The 5th National English Vocabulary Contest

According to the following news report, in the 5th National English Vocabulary Contest held yesterday, the high school stuents who won the top three prizes performed as well as the winners in the college group . 

英文單字賽 高中生達大學級



2009年10月17日 星期六

Videos of the Boston Red Sox Winning the 2004 World Series Championship

This evening, I spent two hours on YouTube and picked some watchable videos of the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series Championship in 2004, which broke the Curse of the Great Bambino. The moment of the final out in Game 4 was so thrilling that I, though not a baseball fan, was moved to tears.

 The following is the list of the videos, with their URL, play time, title, number of viewers, rating, and description provided by the producer.

Before you watch any of the videos, remember to thank YouTube.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aem_VmGTBa8&NR=1    1:15

The Final Out, Game 4 of the 2004 World Series    58,971    5

Recording history... The final out of the 2004 World Series!

2009年10月16日 星期五

A Grammatically Correct Sentence Is not Necessarily a Right Sentence

Today I got a text message from a former student who graduated this summer, asking me if the sentence "I only like to stay with you" is grammatically correct.

2009年10月15日 星期四

A Warm-up Activity for Lesson 5 "Every Day Is a New Opportunity"

Sao-chen giving a talk on MLB


209 discussion209 discussion

In today's class, to build or activate Class 209 students' schema for the baseball part in the reading of Lesson 5 "Every Day Is a New Opportunity," I invited Sao-chen (王少宸) to give a talk on the MLB. Since the purpose was not to teach English but to help the students to have a clearer idea about the MLB, I allowed Sao-chen to talk in Chinese. He did a marvelous job, introducing the MLB, the Division Series, Wild Card, the ALCS, NLCS, and the World Series. He even told two interesting stories about Babe Ruth. Everyone in the class learned a lot from him.

2009年10月14日 星期三

Learn to Live Before Learning to Write

This is an article in Monday's UDN. It's not only about how to improve writing but also how to really live.



【聯合報╱廖玉蕙】2009.10.12 04:04 am

2009年10月13日 星期二

What Is "Call to Prayer"?

I have been wondering what "call to prayer" is since I first came across this expression when listening to Studio Classroom on October 1. Entitled "Magical Marrakesh," that article mentioned that the haunting call to prayer from Koutoubia Mosque can be heard five times a day. While listening, I paid undivided attention, hoping that I would hear the teachers' explanation of this phrase. However, the teachers didn't clarify the term.

2009年10月12日 星期一

Get More Sleep

The following report on adolescents getting more sleep can be found in yesterday's UDN:


科普達人卡爾:孩子少睡23分 成績A掉C

2009.10.11 02:29 pm

2009年10月11日 星期日

A Treasure Basin for Society 高清愿 要當社會聚寶盆

In todays' UDN, there is a mini biography of the president of Uni-President Enterprises Corporation, Kao, Ching-yuan (高清愿). Reading his life story, I see a giant. http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT5/5187570.shtml 

大河人生/高清愿 要當社會聚寶盆

聯合報╱記者 彭慧明、鄭朝陽、周宗禎2009.10.11 03:23 am

2009年10月10日 星期六

Intrinsic or Extrinsic Motivation? --"人生,沒有加退選"

An article in today's UDN. Reading it, I recalled part of Steve Jobs' Stanford address "You've Got to Find What You Love" and part of Oprah Winfrey's Stanford speech.



【聯合報╱焦元溥】 2009.10.10 03:34 am

2009年10月9日 星期五

Photos Taken with My Former Students Since Sep. 1, 2009

Finally, I've got some time to upload onto my blog some photos taken with my former students at their visits since the beginning of the new semeter. After graduating from NHSH, they are studying in different fields: journalism, pharmacy, entomology, German, English, law, politics, history, communication arts, international trades and finance, etc.

310 Ken and Po-chen 313 and me

316 and me 303 ming-chieh, Hsuan-an, Po-chen, and me Yi-tung, Bubble, Joel, Deh-chen, and me

2009年10月8日 星期四

Learning Engish by Listening to Broadcast

How does listening to broadcast facilitate English learning? The following are  some comments from two university professors.


廣播學英語 發音更道地


Welcome! OH!Zone

Today's UDN runs a news report which must have drawn the attention of English learners.   With OH!Zone, English learners have another avenue to sharpening their English skills.   This is an online broadcast which provides listeners with first hand information about trends, campus life, music, etc. 


OH!Zone開播 全英語、沒廣告、免費學


2009年10月7日 星期三

A List of English Books a Second-year High School Student Has Read

To make Shih-jen (張世仁) eligible to waive the 2nd-year English course, this morning I asked her to list the English books she has read so far. The following is the list she gave me:

1. Tuesdays with Morrie (最後十四堂星期二的課)

2. For One More Day (再給我一天)
3. The Five People You Meet in Heaven (在天堂遇見的五個人)

 (The above three were written by Mitch Albom.)

2009年10月6日 星期二

Eat the Right Foods, And You Stay Happy

In today's UDN, there is an article about foods which bring us happiness. Whoever is always in a bad mood might find answers in their diet.


吃對食物 快樂來找你

聯合報╱張靜芬/台東基督教醫院營養師】2009.10.06 02:57 am

Reading Is an Experience of Exploration

Yu-an (陳妤安), a student in Class 214 wrote in her reading log for The Real Diana:


My comments: Great! That is the beauty of reading. Keep exploring more.

2009年10月5日 星期一

A Good English Learning Web Site-- 英文資訊交流網

This is a useful English learning Web site. It provides information about English learning, English tests, English-related news, new books, etc. Online translation function is also available.



2009年10月4日 星期日

New TOEFL--a Big Challenge

A former student who graduated from NHSH around 8 years ago and is planning to study in the U.S. for his PhD degree came to visit me this afternoon. He asked me to clarify some doubts on the admission pages of University of Penn, a prestigious school in the States.

Then he described to me how difficult TOEFL-ibt is. For example, in the speaking part, one item goes like this:

2009年10月3日 星期六

Blogs Can Be Teachers' Treasure Trove

A colleague called me this evening and asked if I still had the supplementary material about Martin Luther King. She remembered I shared an informative handout with her about two years ago. I told her I would check for her over the weekend.

I did use the supplementary material when I taught "I Have a Dream" last year; however, during the summer vacation, I cleaned up my study and reorganized everything in here. So now I have to search and "dig" the material out.

2009年10月2日 星期五

Problems in Taiwan's English Education

I ran across the following article in the Apple Daily this evening. It's about some problems in Taiwan's English education. Instead of finding the article at the Apple Daily Web site, I found it at another Web site.


人間異語:台灣英文越補越大洞 2009年10月02日蘋果日報

 鍾小姐 大學英文口譯講師

2009年10月1日 星期四

Collocation Search

Today in Class 214, we did group discussion again. This time, I had the students find the collocations in the example sentences of the vocabulary in Lesson 4, for example, "make a close examination of," "hold on tight to," "be diagosed with," etc.