2009年7月12日 星期日

Long Time No See

Last night I got a phone call from an old student I taught about 26 years ago at Chiehshow Junior High (介壽國中).   When he told me he was Peng, Guang-ren (彭光仁), I cried out his name in disbelief and joy. 

 I taught Guan-ren for one year when he was in 7th grade, a quiet and hard-working student.  What I remember about him best was his kindness.  When he was in his 1st year of senior high school, I was teaching 9th graders, who were facing the high school entrance exam.  As their homeroom teacher, every evening I had to accompany them at school studying until 9:30.   I was pregnant then.  At some nights, upon stepping out of the school, I would see Guang-ren, who lived across the street form the school, standing at the gate to his apartment building, with a glass of water in his hand.  The water is for me!  Knowing I must be thirsty after a long evening's stay in school, he generously showed his consideration.  I was soooo touched!   His act of kindness has been etched in my heart since then.  How could I forget such a nice student?

Guang-ren is studying Chinese medicine now at Beijing Medical School for his master degree, and is going to graduate in 2 years.  I believe that with a kind heart, he will be one of the best doctors.

