2008年12月3日 星期三

My 1st Blog Anniversary

Today is my 1st blog anniversary.  I learned blogging on December 3, 2007 for the first time at Ching-mei Senior High School (景美女中).  It was a Monday afternoon.  The instructor were Mr. Yi-chieh Chen (陳怡杰老師) and his lovely wife Ming-hsuan (明璇老師).  Then we had our 2nd class on December 17. Because of Mr. Chen's clear explanation and demonstration, with the help of Ming-hsuan and the step-by-step manuals, I leanred all the basics with ease.  BTW, my photo on the homepage of the blog was taken that day by Ming-hsuan.  Here, I'd like to show my gratitude to these two wonderful teachers.  Surely, I have to thank the Life Type blog service system too. Thank you all a lot! 

Then I became an avid blogger, keying in my thoughts, reflections, ideas every day.  I decided to keep my blog in English in the hope that my English blog could help students learn English.  At least, they would have an English environment where they must communicate in English.  However, I have been teaching the 3rd-year students since then.  Understading how busy they are, I haven't forced them to read my blog and give comments.   Happily, some of my students did make use of it. 

Until today, I have persisted in keeping my blog on a daily basis.  That's really something to celebrate. 

Finally I'd like to thank all my blog readers. Thanks a bunch!

