2015年3月29日 星期日

"Trusty translation"--A Column in The Student Post for English Learners

The following is an old column in The Student Post (Sunday, July 20, 1997). It presents two ways to translate the same Chinese sentences. The A translation is how students in general would do, and the B translation is sugggested by The Student Post. You can translate the Chinese sentences first before reading the two versions. As noted in the column, the B translation is not the only correct answer, but it is how native speakers would say.

Trusty translations  精譯求經

The joy of fishing

A = 一般學生的寫作方式

B = The Student Post 建議的寫作方式

1. 童年時,我常在離家不遠的小溪邊釣魚。

A. In my childhood, I was often fishing in a brook which was not very far from my home.

B. When I was a child, I used to go fishing at a brook near my house.

2. 那一段日子真是其樂無窮。

A. The life during that period was a lot of fun.

B.      Life was a lot of fun back then.


3. 由於都市化的結果,那條小溪已經不見了。

A. Due to the urbanization, that brook has disappeared.

B.      Thanks to urbanization, that brook was covered over.


4. 從此之後,我再也很少釣魚了。

A. Since then, I seldom go fishing.

B.      Since then, I have seldom gone fishing.


5. 我好懷念那段童年的日子。

A. I miss childhood very much.

B.      I miss those childhood days very much.

