2015年3月11日 星期三

Nutrition and Crime?--"洪蘭/吃得營養 預防犯罪"--from UDN

Did you ever consider the connection between the two? I didn't.


洪蘭/吃得營養 預防犯罪

2015-03-11 02:08:41      聯合報 洪蘭(中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授)





My comments: "You are what you eat." Feed kids with good food.


My comments: Wow! A research lasting for 20 years!


My comments: So eat more fish!


犯罪是個很複雜的行為,絕對不是營養一項可以解釋的,它和疾病一樣,都是預防勝於治療改善貧戶孩子的營養是預防犯罪最簡單的方法。我父親常說,任何事情只要錢能解決,便不是難事,stop it before it starts,我們何不開始動手做?




This is an article from Psychology Today on the same topic:


Fighting Crime with Nutrition

        Is a poor diet to blame for crime? Research shows it could be.

By Willow Lawson,  published on March 1, 2003 - last reviewed on April 16, 2009

Does a poor diet lead to crime? Some British researchers think so.

They studied the behavior of 231 inmates at a maximum-security prison in the U.K. Half of the group received daily capsules containing vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, while the other half took dummy pills. Antisocial behavior among inmates was recorded before and during the trial.

The supplement group broke prison rules 25 percent less than those on the placebo. The greatest reduction was for serious offenses—instances of fighting, assaulting guards or taking hostages dropped 37 percent. There was, however, no significant change in the control group.

Lead scientist Bernard Gesch, a physiology researcher at Oxford University, wasn't surprised by the findings, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. A former probation officer, Gesch once gave supplements to young delinquents under his watch and noticed an improvement in their behavior. That experience helped shape his later research.

"Nutrition as a causal factor in antisocial behavior is so simple it's been overlooked," he says. "We think of behavior completely as a matter of free will."

The researchers don't know how the British prison diet is deficient or which aspects of the supplements were beneficial. Essential fatty acids seem to be good candidates. Previous studies have linked low levels of omega-3 fatty acids, found mainly in fish, to higher rates of depression, bipolar disorder and suicide. Essential fatty acids are vital  for building and maintaining brain cells. Other nutrients such as B vitamins and magnesium are crucial to the chemical processes that produce the neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which affect mood.

Joseph Hibbeln, M.D., a psychiatrist at the National Institutes of Health, who studies diet and behavior, says the study could have large public health implications, because it may identify nontoxic, low-cost ways to prevent violence.

Gesch and his colleagues already have two studies in the works to look at behavior outside prison walls. One will examine the relationship between high crime in London and diet; the other will investigate a link between behavior and nutrition in schoolchildren.

Meanwhile, Gesch and the research charity he heads, Natural Justice, are urging British government officials to consider supplements as a crime-fighting tool in prisons. "If it works, it will work irrespective of social, legislative or racial boundaries," he says. "Because human metabolism is common to all of us."



