2015年3月21日 星期六

MRQE--A Movie Review Search Engine; plus Reasons for Using Films in English Class

MRQE (Movie Review Query Engine)


Doing the decluttering in my study, I came across a notebook that contains notes I took from several speeches.  One of the speeches held at Taipei Municipal Dazhi High School on March 8, 2004 was entitled "Implementing DVD Feature Films into English Curriculum. The speaker was Chin-chien (金堅老師).

When I saw a sentence in my notes: "MRQE is the largest website for movie reviews, out of curiosity," I searched for it online. And it is there! I don't know whether it still is the most comprehensive one now, but according to makeuseof (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/mrge-search-movie-reviews/), MRQE "aggregates all movie reviews in one place," it's impressive enough! And in her speech, Ms. Chin referred to MRQE as best for English teachers' self-study.

In her speech, Ms. Chin listed nine reasons for using films in English class:

A. Motivation promotion

B. Combination of visuals and sound effects for E-generation learning

C. Cross-cultural references

D. Real-life situations for group discussion

E. uthentic spoken English at normal speed

F. Pleasure and extensive listening comprehension of colloquial English

G. Extensive glossary of vocabulary

H. Stress-free learning environment

I. Developing four skills (reviews, paragraph writing, etc.)

P.S. Reviewing the notes made me believe in the importance of taking notes. In fact,  I totally forgot about this speech. Even when reviewing the notes, everything from Ms. Chin was fresh to me as if I were reading someone else's notes of a speech I didn't attend.


