2015年3月26日 星期四

A Postcard from Salzburg

(Only the left half is shown here because in the right part is my address.)


In the Internet era, hand-written letters, cards, postcards are rare to get, or even see. Yesterday evening, I got a postcard from Diego, a former NHSH student who was taking a trip in Vienna during the break from his studies in Germany as an exchange student. The words are heartwarming. He picked the card because he knew I love classical music. Isn't it sweet? A postcard from a student who is traveling!

Before going to Vienna, Diego was in Switzerland. He and his friend stayed at Carla's home. Remember Carla? The Swiss girl who came to Taiwan to study at Chengchi University for a semester. I introduced  them to each other during her stay.

Here's a photo Diego LINEd me. I guess it was his last day with the family.

Life is like this. Many things cannot be planned. They just happen. During that only one gathering last year, none of us three knew Diego would be in Switzerland this year. As a line in the song Can't Help Falling in Love goes, "Some things are meant to be."



