2014年8月31日 星期日

No Rush!--"百年樹人 不可能一次到位"--from UDN


百年樹人 不可能一次到位
2014.08.31 02:24 am



A Photo of the Logos Hope

A photo of the Logos Hope taken by Zhou Yen-yu, the former student who I had a gathering the day before yesterday.

2014年8月30日 星期六

Thank You for Your Love, My Dear Students

Yu-han, Yu-chi, Hsiao-chieh, and Yu-wei, four students from my homeroom class 314, who graduated in 2011 from NHSH, invited me to lunch today. We spent a great time together, chatting and laughing to our hearts' content all the way. They shared with me what had happened since we last saw each other.

2014年8月29日 星期五

A Picture Book by Zhou Yen-yu.

A picture book by Zhou Yen-yu, a former student who graduated from NHSH two years ago. He's had the book published. In it he put his favorite characters from cartoons and movies on the same stage.

"From janitor to teacher to principal, all at the same school"

A very inspiring story. It's education that makes this possible!


From janitor to teacher to principal, all at the same school

By                                  February 11, 2014 3:17 PM

Port Barre Elementary principal Gabe Sonnier says, "It's not how you start, it's how you finish."

2014年8月28日 星期四

Listening Test & Admission to College--城鄉差距嚴重 台大不設英聽門檻


城鄉差距嚴重 台大不設英聽門檻



My comments: This is quite reasonable.

2014年8月27日 星期三

"School Should Start Later So Teens Can Sleep, Urge Doctors"--from TIME


School Should Start Later So Teens Can Sleep, Urge Doctors

Alice Park               @aliceparkny                              

The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) says there’s strong scientific evidence to support later school start times for middle and high schoolers

When it comes to the importance of sleep, it’s all about the biology, say pediatric experts. And in a report released Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports pushing back start times for older kids, particularly teens, because it’s better for their mental and physical health.

2014年8月26日 星期二

Brush Up on English

This noon I had a gathering with a former student who graduated in 2012. We chatted until around 3pm.

During our chat, he mentioned he is preparing for the graduate school entrance exam in 2016, but hadn't started studying English and that his English is not as good now as two years ago, when he was in high school.

2014年8月25日 星期一

12 Classic Books That Will Change Your Life

While surfing the RD website, through links, I was led to this article presented at Lifespan.


12 Classic Books That Will Change Your Life

Reading can become a serious but positive addiction once you indulge into it. Many studies and experiments have proved that books can have a huge impact on your mind. They cause biological changes; researchers have found that a powerful story can create ‘muscle memory’ in the brain in the same way as if the events and facts had actually happened to the reader. It is interesting that a good book is usually universal, it can affect people of all ages, social status, nationality etc. Below you will find a list of 11 12 books that have changed lives of many bibliophiles; if you haven’t read them yet, do it now, because reading is one of the best pleasures of human being.

2014年8月24日 星期日

Happy Marriage, Charlie!

This noon I attended Charlie's wedding at South Garden Hotel in Taoyuan. Charlie graduated from NHSH in 2001. He invited some of his 305 classmates to the wedding, which made the wedding also a reunion. I remember once on a FB chat, he said, "You are always happy about our happiness." (By "our", he meant my students.) Yes, Charlie, I am, always. Wish you a very beautiful marriage! Thank you for inviting me to such an important occasion in your life.


2014年8月23日 星期六

"Mystery drive: Tour offers cab rides to who knows where"--from CNN

This is interesting! The foreign tourists could enjoy some unexpected fun!


Mystery drive: Tour offers cab rides to who knows where
By Maggie Hiufu Wong, CNN

August 14, 2014 -- Updated 0349 GMT (1149 HKT)

(CNN) -- We've all heard the old adage that travel is about the journey, not the destination.

Now, a travel company in Taipei, Taiwan, is taking the concept so literally that it's not even bothering to list the destinations on its newest city tour.

2014年8月22日 星期五


This evening, my dear friend Annie (詹麗馨老師, the one on the right) called me. I thanked her for going so fast through the listening exercise items I'd written since yesterday and for giving me constructive suggestions. She is brilliantly efficient. Emailing her ten items this late afternoon, I thought she would send me her feedback tomorrow morning at the earliest. However, after dinner, when I checked my inbox, the feedback was already there. Amazing!

2014年8月21日 星期四

"Teacher for One Day, Father For Ever"

(Photo taken with Dai-ying's camera)

Today, two former students from Class 311 and I spent almost four hours talking about life. I taught them in their senior year and my last year of teaching. I'm happy that they take me not only as an English teacher but an adult friend to confide in and spend time with. In traditional Chinese culture, a teacher, even if teaching for only one day, is respected as a father forever. Well, as for me, being my students' friend who they can count on is what makes teaching a rewarding career.

2014年8月20日 星期三

Less Is More--英文「減法學習」 學童成績反變好


英文「減法學習」 學童成績反變好



教材減半、沒有家庭作業「How are you?」有外國觀光客一到綠島,就被想練說英文的小學生圍住,還寫信給台東縣政府,讚美他們英文說得好。這群小學生的英語能力,是台東縣政府推動「減法學習」,把小學八冊英語課本減半、只教四冊的成果,因實驗成功,今年將延伸到國中也實施。

2014年8月19日 星期二

A Great Grammar Resource: Learn American English Online--from tesol blog


A Great Grammar Resource: Learn American English Online

Posted on 15 August 2014 by Alexandra Lowe

Last year, one of my students introduced our class to Learn American English Online, a website that he liked to use on his smartphone to practice his grammar during breaks at work and at home. As I explained in an earlier blog post, this website includes seven color-coded levels of instruction, ranging from beginner to advanced. Each lesson is introduced by a folksy video that explains the relevant grammar point and includes a series of grammar quizzes and dictation exercises (with answers) that students can use at home for additional controlled practice.

2014年8月18日 星期一

Lovely Class 314 Reunion

Time: 6:20pm, Aug. 16, 2014

Place: Fani Burger at Neihu

Gina and me

(Photo by Pao-chen)

I was really happy to join these big kids! They graduated from NHSH in 2009. I taught them in their senior year. Over the span of one year, we got to know and got along with each other very well, seeming like we'd been together for three or more years.

2014年8月17日 星期日

Teachers Are the Key--教師也跟著改 成功教改


教師也跟著改 成功教改
2014.08.15 10:46 am


2014年8月16日 星期六

A Happy Class Reunion

Today my high school class had a reunion at a vegetarian restaurant at noon. Shirley came back to Taiwan from the States for a three-week vacation.

Always Wear Dark Suits--a TEDx Video

"Always Wear Dark Suits" by Adam Grant. A 14-minute TEDx talk recommended by a dear friend Annie (詹麗馨老師) via FB.

2014年8月15日 星期五

Robin Williams--Lesson Plan

The recent death of Robin Williams, a famous and beloved American comedian, shocked and saddened the world. The John Keating he played in the movie "Dead Poets Society," inspired myriads of teachers, and I'm one of them.

The following is a lesson plan for a reading on Roin Williams. It was shared by a good friend Sarah Yin (殷彩鳳老師) via I Simply Love to Share, an FB group set up by Sarah.

2014年8月14日 星期四

An Elementary School with Only Eight Graduates--劉克襄/八個孩子的下一堂課


2014.08.14 01:39 am



2014年8月13日 星期三

Let's Talk

A former student called me this evening, letting out to me something disturbing her. After listening to my analysis and advice, she told me she felt much better.

2014年8月12日 星期二

Happiness Lies in Creating Your Value--洪蘭/快樂,是創造自己的價值


2014.08.09 02:02 am



2014年8月11日 星期一

Shadowing--a VoiceTube Video

Shadowing is an efficient way to brush up your speaking skills. I personally used this method to practice speaking English after graduating from university.Alexander Arguelles, a polyglot who can read and speak about 36 languages, highly recommended this method.

The VoiceTube video presented here introduces and demonstrates shadowing. However, the demonstrator says the sentences almost simultaneously with the speaker. Usually, there should be a lag because you have to listen before you repeat.

2014年8月10日 星期日

A Good Strict Teacher--王正方/楊老師的「習題本子」


2014.08.10 02:01 am




2014年8月9日 星期六

A Life Lesson from a High School Teacher

This morning, on a short LINE chat with a junior high schoolmate, I told him that in fact, I can't remember what English my high school teacher in my senior year taught me, and that what I'll never forget is her talk in or out of class about life.

2014年8月8日 星期五

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

My deceased father's birthday happens to be on Aug. 7, the day before Father's Day. Yesterday evening, we celebrated his birthday and Father's Day at my brother's place, where my mom lives. Very delicious chocolate birthday cake and three beautiful pieces of piano music played by me. While I was playing, it felt like my father was watching and listening to me with his lovely smile.

2014年8月7日 星期四

A Swiss Girl Who Loves Taiwan

Carla, a friend from Switzerland, is going back to her hometown this coming Sunday. This morning she came to pick up the stuff she left at my home before going on a trip around South Asia in late June. Then we went out for our lunch. In the car, she kept saying, "Time flies so fast!" She couldn't believe that 10 months 3 weeks and 1 day have gone. I was surprised she remembered the date we met for the first time; that is, August 27, 2013. On the first day we got acquaitned, I invited her to eat lunch at Ding-tai-feng. And now three days before she goes home, we had our lunch gathering in Taipei at Ding-tai-feng too. It is a coincidence that today we sat at the same table we had then.

2014年8月6日 星期三

On Education Reform--"盛治仁/教育的結 改變觀念才能解"--from UDN

The title is exactly what I'd like to say about education.


盛治仁/教育的結 改變觀念才能解
2014.08.06 02:09 am


2014年8月5日 星期二

Equation 'can predict momentary happiness'--from BBC


Equation 'can predict momentary happiness'

By Melissa Hogenboom

Science reporter, BBC News     4 August 2014 Last updated at 20:26

It has long been known that happiness depends on many different life circumstances.

Now scientists have developed a mathematical equation that can predict momentary delight.

2014年8月4日 星期一

Let Kids Decide on Their Future--"孩子的未來 他自己決定"


孩子的未來 他自己決定
2014.08.03 01:51 am



2014年8月3日 星期日

When Students Find English Useful...--英文快閃教學 第一堂 自己做課本


英文快閃教學 第一堂 自己做課本



2014年8月1日 星期五

Good Night Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)

This evening, I had a gathering with a former student Yu-ting (顏渝庭), who is studying English literature in graduate school at NCCU. During our chat, she mentioned a play Good night Desdemona (Good morning Juliet). The playwright creatively turned  Shakespeare's two tragedies Othello and Romeo and Juliet into comedies with some element.
