2014年5月15日 星期四

A Happy Gathering

A happy gathering with my high school classmates, Meichu, Che Li, and Che Li's husband at The Mayor's Residence Art Salon (市長官邸藝文沙龍). We chatted for about 5 hours!

(From Mei-chu)

Meichu has been the bridge which connects our classmates for the past years. Our class reunion was not held annually. We had more than one every year. According to Meichu, we once even had 9 reunions in one year. Thanks to her, years after graduating from high school, we are still close to each other.

Che Li and her husband Mr. Lee love traveling. During today's gathering, they shared a lot about their experiences in different countries. According to Mr. Lee, there are places which you must visit once in life, but only once. However, some other places are worth visiting more than once. On their list are Germany, France, and England, among others.

(From Mei-chu)

Che Li's husband told us it was worthwhile to pursue PhD degree, not because of the knowledge or expertise one accumulates during those years, but because of the hard-working attitude and the persistence one cultivates in the process which can help a lot in career.

The art of cuisine.

