2014年5月6日 星期二

A Happy Gathering


Annie (詹麗馨老師), Sarah (殷彩鳳老師), and I, three English teachers who are passionate about life, people, and work, happily got together this afternoon. Annie and I have retired from school; however, we are still trying to make contributions to Taiwan's English education. We have co-written a few English exercise/test preparation books, with another on the way. Sarah is still teaching at college and some English institute, enjoying passing her inexhaustible passion for English on to her students.

We three have one more thing in common. We love to share. Annie posts on FB her reflections about a passage in a good book "Become a Better You" and a good TED talk every day. Sarah also often introduces to her FB friends beautiful English songs and effective English learning/teaching approaches. I keep writing my blog, which I started on Dec. 3, 2007, to share with teachers and students good stuff about (English) learning or teaching.

We don't see each other often, three to four times a year at most; nevertheless, just as a sentence I read somewhere said, "Friends are like the stars in the sky. You don't always see them, but you know they are there," we know we are always on each other's mind.

(from June)

(from June)

(from Annie)

(from June)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)

(from Annie)




