2014年5月31日 星期六

"How do you spell T-I-E? National Spelling Bee has two winners"--from CNN


How do you spell T-I-E? National Spelling Bee has two winners
By Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN

May 30, 2014 -- Updated 2053 GMT (0453 HKT)

(CNN) -- Sriram Hathwar and Ansun Sujoe correctly spelled so many words Thursday that the Scripps National Spelling Bee had to declare them both winners.

Why? Because there weren't enough words left on the competition's list for them to keep facing off until only one was left standing.

The Essence of Education--當自由變成自私、信任成了放任…--from The Merit Times

An article shared by my high school classmate Ms. Chen (陳美珠):






2014年5月30日 星期五

Helping Those Loners--北捷案過後/陪伴、傾聽 救救「鄭捷們」


北捷案過後/陪伴、傾聽 救救「鄭捷們」

2014.05.30 04:00 am


2014年5月28日 星期三

"There Are Moments When Even Schubert Has Nothing to Say to Us"--廖玉蕙/連舒伯特都無聲以對的時刻


2014.05.28 02:03 am


2014年5月27日 星期二

From the Virtual World to the Real World--嚴長壽籲:走出虛擬世界 多與人接觸--UDN


嚴長壽籲:走出虛擬世界 多與人接觸
2014.05.25 03:39 am


2014年5月26日 星期一

Family Education--"家庭教育 是品格教育根源"--from UDN


家庭教育 是品格教育根源

2014.05.26 03:09 am


2014年5月25日 星期日

The Essence of Education?--"功利主義 讓教育價值變質"


功利主義 讓教育價值變質

2014.05.25 03:43 am

My comments: The subtitle of this article in the newspaper: 我們的主流標準是成績、得獎  人格教育呢



2014年5月24日 星期六

Education Changes Everything--李枝桃 把放牛班教成優等生--from UDN


李枝桃 把放牛班教成優等生




2014年5月23日 星期五

2014 Spring NHSH Teacher Screening Test Questions.

The 2014 Spring NHSH teacher sccreening test, which was held on Tuesday, May 20, contains two parts. The first part includes five essay questions, four of which are as follows:

1. An impressive teaching experience

2014年5月21日 星期三

On 12-year Compulsory Education--國教爭議/填錯一個志願 全軍覆沒…


國教爭議/填錯一個志願 全軍覆沒…
2014.05.21 04:27 am


2014年5月20日 星期二

"Olive oil and salad combined 'explain' Med diet success"--from UDN


Olive oil and salad combined 'explain' Med diet success

By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online

20 May 2014 Last updated at 00:42

The combination of olive oil and leafy salad or vegetables is what gives the Mediterranean diet its healthy edge, say scientists.

2014年5月19日 星期一

Roads to Success--"12年國教/孩子未來 家長放手路更寬"--from UDN

12年國教/孩子未來 家長放手路更寬

2014.05.18 02:41 am


2014年5月17日 星期六

Fast Facts about Taiwan's 12-year Compulsory Education--UDN

Want to have a quick grasp of the 12-year compulsory education in Taiwan? Please click the link.


Before the CA--會考前夕要對孩子說甚麼?


2014.05.16 03:12 pm


2014年5月16日 星期五

Einstein on Technology--"王正方/愛因斯坦如是說"--from UDN


2014.05.16 03:49 am


2014年5月15日 星期四

A Happy Gathering

A happy gathering with my high school classmates, Meichu, Che Li, and Che Li's husband at The Mayor's Residence Art Salon (市長官邸藝文沙龍). We chatted for about 5 hours!

2014年5月14日 星期三

"Read, Kids, Read"--from The New York Times


Read, Kids, Read

Frank Bruni

MAY 12, 2014

As an uncle I’m inconsistent about too many things.

Birthdays, for example. My nephew Mark had one on Sunday, and I didn’t remember — and send a text — until 10 p.m., by which point he was asleep.

School productions, too. I saw my niece Bella in “Seussical: The Musical” but missed “The Wiz.” She played Toto, a feat of trans-species transmogrification that not even Meryl, with all of her accents, has pulled off.

2014年5月13日 星期二


Today is a memorable day. I had a gathering with Xiu-chuan (汪秀娟), an elementary school friend, who I hadn't seen for around 40 years. It was her daughter that got us reconnected. Her daughter called NHSH to look for me last Friday, and a colleague happened to receive the call. The colleague rang me up immediately and gave me the phone number. Right away, I called her.

"'Arrogance' of ignoring need for sleep"--from BBC


'Arrogance' of ignoring need for sleep

By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News

12 May 2014 Last updated at 22:59

Society has become "supremely arrogant" in ignoring the importance of sleep, leading researchers have told the BBC's Day of the Body Clock.

Scientists from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Manchester and Surrey universities warn cutting sleep is leading to "serious health problems".

2014年5月12日 星期一

More Than Studies--"那一年 我拚一件比讀書重要的事"--from Business Weekly

Three great stories for teenagers.


那一年 我拚一件比讀書重要的事

作者:張婉怡 (原文出處:商業周刊第1280期 )

2014年5月11日 星期日

Lesson from a Mother--"祝福母親節/媽媽的背影… 教我懂得吃苦"--from UDN

Happy Mother's Day!


祝福母親節/媽媽的背影… 教我懂得吃苦
2014.05.10 03:47 am


Showing Disagreement in a Better Way--"不帶髒字!4句罵人高招英文"--from Business Weekly

I came across this interesting article in Businesss Weekly (商業周刊) this morning at a breakfast store.



裘蒂出門拜訪客戶前,楊經理千叮嚀萬囑咐,要求她仔細檢查合約文件是否都帶齊了。然而,向來丟三落四的裘蒂果然還是投影簡報忘在公司的桌上了。楊經理知道後,只淡淡地說了句:This is classic.沒有任何負面字眼,卻把心中的不悅表達得淋漓盡致。我們難免遇到失職的同事、無禮的客戶,但責備對方可不能太直接,今天我們就來學學,如何不毒舌地數落人。

2014年5月10日 星期六

Happy Mother's Day!--"祝福母親節/平安 才是送媽的最好禮物"--from UDN

The best Mother's Day gift--staying safe and sound.


祝福母親節/平安 才是送媽的最好禮物

2014.05.10 03:47 am

2014年5月9日 星期五

The Benefits of Reading--全台最聰明醫生 公開腦力鍛鍊術



全台最聰明醫生 公開腦力鍛鍊術


商業周刊1370  撰文者吳中傑   2014-02-12



My comments: How can "cleverness" be measured? This is not about IQ.


2014年5月8日 星期四

Every Kid Needs a Champion--TED Talk

In this around-8-minute talk, Rita Pierson, an educator who had taught 40 years, points out the importance of relationships, the connection, between teachers and students. In response to a colleague who told her the school didn't pay her to like the kids, Rita said, "Kids don't learn from people they don't like."

As a teacher, before the first class, before I met my new students, I had already loved all of them. Everyone, yes, unconditionally! And that was why I enjoyed teaching from the very beginning to the last day of my teaching career. Even when I later taught as a substitute, I took the same attitude.

2014年5月7日 星期三

2014年5月6日 星期二

A Happy Gathering


Annie (詹麗馨老師), Sarah (殷彩鳳老師), and I, three English teachers who are passionate about life, people, and work, happily got together this afternoon. Annie and I have retired from school; however, we are still trying to make contributions to Taiwan's English education. We have co-written a few English exercise/test preparation books, with another on the way. Sarah is still teaching at college and some English institute, enjoying passing her inexhaustible passion for English on to her students.

2014年5月5日 星期一

elllo--Website for Improving English Listening Skills



The website name "elllo" stands for "English Listening Library Online." Created by Todd Beuckens, elllo so far has more than 2,000 lessons.

2014年5月3日 星期六

"The slow death of purposeless walking"--from BBC

An interesting article on walking. I never thought someone would be interested in writing about this topic, especially when walking is not taken as a way to enhance health.

The slow death of purposeless walking

By Finlo Rohrer BBC News Magazine

1 May 2014 Last updated at 08:51

A number of recent books have lauded the connection between walking - just for its own sake - and thinking. But are people losing their love of the purposeless walk?

2014年5月2日 星期五

Why some English words are controversial in China--from BBC


Why some English words are controversial in China

By Yuwen Wu BBC Chinese

30 April 2014 Last updated at 21:04

Nowadays, if you eavesdrop on Chinese people's phone conversations, it is commonplace to hear English phrases popping up here and there, like "Okay", "Cool" and "Bye bye".

2014年5月1日 星期四

Preparation for the Future--"校園超連結/為未來準備人才"--from UDN



2014.05.01 04:30 am
