2013年9月30日 星期一

Running Dictations: A Runaway Success

This activity could not only help students learn English but relieve their boredom of sitting all day in the classroom.


Running Dictations: A Runaway Success

Posted on 27 September 2013 by Alexandra Lowe


This is a photo I took today on the trip to Yangmingshan with my mom and sister. I was wondering how the bud and the trunk felt each other.

2013年9月28日 星期六

2013年9月26日 星期四

"After 30 years, lost 'Steve Jobs Time Capsule' finally recovered"--from CNET

Please sit back and enjoy this news story.

A few years ago, the writing task on a college entrance exam asked the examinees to write about three things they would put in their time capsule and why so that people in the future, when digging the capsule up, can have a glimpse of what life nowadays is like. It's an interesting task and the following is a recent relatd news story. Click the link, and you'll see a few photos of the capsule. Before going on to read the story, think about three items  you would put in your time capsule.


After 30 years, lost 'Steve Jobs Time Capsule' finally recovered

Buried, and lost, in an Aspen field in 1983, the 13-foot-long tube contained, among other things, the mouse from Jobs' Lisa computer. Now, thanks to the TV show "Diggers," it's been found.


2013年9月22日 星期日

"English in a Minute"--VOA Learning English

What do "my two cents" and "a dime a dozen" mean? Each episode of "English in a Minute," a program produced by VOA, introduces in a minute an American English idiom, sometimes with the origin of the idiom.


2013年9月21日 星期六

Get Rid of Clutter--斷捨離

This is a book I bought months ago. It offers tips for de-cluttering our home. The basic principle is: Remove things that WE don't need NOW.

2013年9月20日 星期五

BBC and CNN News about Typhoon Usagi

Two pieces of news about Typhoon Usagi from BBC and CNN respectively. You might like to compare their ways of reporting the news.


Typhoon Usagi moves towards Philippines, Taiwan

20 September 2013 Last updated at 04:37 GMT

The Philippines and Taiwan are braced for Typhoon Usagi, which meteorologists say could become the most powerful typhoon of 2013.

To Be Superior to Your Previous Self--放狗出來,台灣年輕人也會跳牆

This is an article a good friend emailed to me. Then I found the source online: http://www.businesstoday.com.tw/article-content-80396-102058



撰文/施禔盈       出處/今周刊872

2013年9月19日 星期四

Oprah Winfrey's 2013 Harvard Commencement Speech

The following is the commencement address Oprah Winfrey delivered to Harvard gradutes on May 29, 2013. The speech lasts about 29 minutes.  Listen and see how many life lessons you can get from her speech.  Following the speech is an article I came across online on five lessons from Oprah's talk.

Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement Speech

May 29, 2013


Happy Moon Festival! & A Video "The Legend of the Mooncake Festival: The Story of Chang-E"

Happy Moon Festival!

The following is a YouTube video of a story related to this festival. Enjoy it!

The Legend of the Mooncake Festival: The Story of Chang-E

2013年9月18日 星期三

Are We Losing Our Competitiveness?--上午八時的校園競爭力


2013.09.18 02:08 am


2013年9月17日 星期二

"Fall Foward"--2011 Penn Commencement Address by Denzel Washington

This is a 22-minute commencement address given by Denzel Washington, a renowned American actor and film director, at University of Pennsylvania in 2011. The title is "Fall Foward." It was recommended to me by a student, Yen-yu Chen.

In the speech, Denzel Washington talked about some failures in his life. What made what he is now? He didn't quit.  The speech is full of gems of wisdom. For example, a question in his speech is quite thought provoking: "What are you going to do with what you have?" Yes, even if you are not as smart as Bill Gates, you must have something to give. And I love the sentences near the end of the speech: "Never be discouraged. Never hold back. Give everything you've got."

2013年9月16日 星期一

Welcome Party & Chien-yu's Presentation on Differentiated Instruction

This afternoon, I was invited to the NHSH welcome party held for the 5 new English teachers and 2 substitute teachers. Besides me, two other retired teachers, Yi-li and Da-chong, were also there. We had lunch together at TiMAMA Bakery & Cafe. After lunch, Chien-yu (葉倩羽老師) gave a presentation on "Differentiated Instruction from Reading to Writing."

2013年9月15日 星期日

"Lack of Sleep Linked to Medical Risks"--from the New York Times

A retired professor from the English Department of NTNU once told me that our first language, if used properly, can enhance English learning. When her son got frustrated by English in elementary school, she helped him out by recording her own reading of the English text in the textbook followed by Chinese translation for him.

Read the following New York Times article. With each paragraph followed by its Chinese translation, does a complete grasp of the meaning help you learn the English?


睡眠不足 戕害你的健康

Lack of Sleep Linked to Medical Risks

【By JANE E. BRODY/田思怡譯】2013/07/18

2013年9月14日 星期六

2013年9月13日 星期五

One more 314 Reunion

Time: 6:00pm, Friday, Sep. 13, 2013

Place: Pin Tian Restaurant

Attendees: Chia-jung Lee, Yi-fen Hsieh, Yu-ting Hung, Pi-han Wu, Yi-ling Chen, and me.

These girls didn't attend the class reunion last Friday. Some of them had to work. So before school starts next week, they decided to get together, and I was invited. The small gathering was organized by Chia-jung Lee.

2013年9月12日 星期四

Taiwan Speaker Wang Jin-pyng expelled by governing party--News from BBC


Taiwan Speaker Wang Jin-pyng expelled by governing party

11 September 2013 Last up

314 Reunion

Time: 12:30pm, Sep. 6, 2013

Place: A Thai restaurant

Organizer: Hung-yu Kao

Attendees: Hung-yu Kao, Hsin-yu Chang, Li-yu Wang, Chun Lin, Dao-ching Lin, Yi-hung Kao, Wei-hsiang Huang, Tze-hao Ma, and me

2013年9月11日 星期三

Warm-up for 314 Class Gathering

Last Thursday, Sep. 5, when working on my listening book around 1:30pm, I got a phone call. It was Wei-hsiang, a student from my former homeroom Class 314. He said he was in Neihu with Li-yu and Li-xuan and asked if they could pay me a visit. Busy as I was and although we were having a class gathering the next day, I said yes. When students have something to tell me, I always have my ears ready.

2013年9月10日 星期二

Follow the Instructions

Yesterday evening before starting  to write the last unit of the listening exercise book, a mock test for GEPT Elementary Level, I decided to expand the basic 1200 words list by adding to it the words provided by ITTC so that I will know what words I can use and what I can't.

2013年9月9日 星期一

The Power of Positive Thinking

This noon when I had to park my car a little far from the restaurant, where I was going to take my mom  for lunch, I felt a little sorry. However, positive thinking came into play and I told her that it was a good chance for us to exercise and soak up the sun, which is good for our health, especially the bones. The walk soon turned into a valuable experience.

2013年9月8日 星期日

Be Careful with the Thought "Just This Once"

These words from the book How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen can save people from going to jail:

"Many of us have convinced ourselves that we are able to break our own personal rules "just this once." In our minds, we can justify these small choices. None of those things, when they first happen, feels like a life-changing decision....But each of those decisions can roll up into a much bigger picture, turning you inot the kind of person you never wanted to be."

2013年9月7日 星期六

To Boost Your Brainpower--大笑、多與人互動 頭腦更靈光


大笑、多與人互動 頭腦更靈光

【台灣新生報/記者萬博超 /台北報導】 2013/08/13


On the evening of Sep. 4, the day I got together with 301 at noon, I had a good four-hour chat with Henny, a former student who graduated from NHSH in 2008 and went on to study at NTU majoring in anthropolgy. She just came back days ago from Turkey, where she studied as an exchange student for a year.

2013年9月6日 星期五

Liberal Education in Taiwan--「博雅」實踐者 腳踏文理多條船


「博雅」實踐者 腳踏文理多條船



A Gathering with 301

The day before yesterday, Sep. 4, I had a gathering with some students from 301 who graduated last year. The reunion was organized by Sung-ju Lin, who I haven't seen for a year. In our time machine, we went back and forth between memories and dreams while having lunch at the Chips in Neihu.

2013年9月5日 星期四

"Stranger pays for 'special' family's dinner, leaves touching note"--A Touching Story from CNN

This is touching! When I came to the middle part, tears welled up my eyes.


Stranger pays for 'special' family's dinner, leaves touching note
By Justin Lear, CNN

September 4, 2013 -- Updated 1741 GMT (0141 HKT)

Another Great Day with Carla and Students

The day before yesterday, I took Carla to the National Palace Museum. To help expand her circle of friends in Taiwan, I invited three former students, Chi-peng (王繼蓬), Chun-da (林君達), and Yi-wen (陳儀汶), who in fall are going on to their sophomore year at NCCU to join us. And thankfully, they accepted my invitation even though it's on short notice. We had a great time at the museum. Carla seemed most interested in the bronze vessels, paintings, and calligraphy. Of course, the jade cabbage and the meat-shaped stone appealed to her. Here I'd like to thank Chi-peng, Chun-da, and Yi-wen for their generosity with their time.

2013年9月4日 星期三

Our Time Machines

Just now, when go over a lesson in a junior high school textbook for writing an listening exercise unit, I came across the following sentence. Love it.

"We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams."  ~ Jeremy Irons

2013年9月1日 星期日