2015年4月30日 星期四

"We Created a Fake Job"--a Video

A video LINEd by a junior high school English teacher of mine. At the end of the film, I found my eyes brimming with tears.
Although there are no subtitles, the English is very clear.

2015年4月29日 星期三

"Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom"--from eduTopia

Before I retired in August 2012, the flipped classroom was already in practice. But around that time, I had no idea about it.


Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom

Andrew Miller           February 24, 2012

Ok, I'll be honest. I get very nervous when I hear education reformists and politicians tout how "incredible" the flipped-classroom model, or how it will "solve" many of the problems of education. It doesn't solve anything. It is a great first step in reframing the role of the teacher in the classroom.

2015年4月28日 星期二

Using a Novel in Class

The other day, I found an article in a Longman ELT catalogue (1995-1996) entitled "WHAT EVERY TEACHER NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT GRADED READING." Besides explaining what graded readers are, it offers ways of using graded readers in class. The photos of the two-page article will come at the end of this entry.

2015年4月27日 星期一

"4 Characteristics of Effective Teachers of ELs"--from TESOL Blog


4 Characteristics of Effective Teachers of ELs

Posted on 23 April 2015 by Judie Haynes

The number of English learners (ELs) in U.S. schools has increased 51 % over the past 10 years, and the achievement gap between ELs and general population students has grown wider. The percentage of English learners who score “below basic” on standardized tests was 72% on the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) math exam, which is three times lower than the general population of students. In addition, 66% of ELs live 200% below the poverty line.

2015年4月26日 星期日

After a Daughter Died--"網路霸凌/沒有怨恨的父親"--from UDN



2015-04-26 01:52:53      聯合報 李枝桃/國中校長(南投市)


2015年4月25日 星期六

"Exercise 'not key to obesity fight'"--from BBC


Exercise 'not key to obesity fight'

By Nick Triggle         Health correspondent

  • 23 April 2015

Physical activity has little role in tackling obesity - and instead public health messages should squarely focus on unhealthy eating, doctors say.

In an editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, three international experts said it was time to "bust the myth" about exercise.

2015年4月24日 星期五

"Good ESL Teacher Attributes"--from NTNU/EDAC Newsletter

The following is an article in an NTNU/EDC newsletter (June 5, 1985, No. 6) I discovered in an old file. Since it could not be found online, I typed it up to share in my blog. The words in the brackets were given by me because the originals were missing as you can see in a picture following the essay.


Chen-chin Li

During the weekly ESL (English as a Second/Foreign Language) seminar presentation, Prof. Ted Plaister proposed 68 “Good Teacher Attributes”, asserting that there are indeed recognizable features of good teaching. However, he is not convinced that all these attributes can be taught. Some, on the other hand, can be learned.

2015年4月23日 星期四

高行健:不用手機很荒謬 但不能取代知識


高行健:不用手機很荒謬 但不能取代知識



My comments: Here's a sentence I read in my notes the other day: "Do not use your time and words carelessly, both of which cannot be retrieved." Everyone has 24 hours, but they accomplish differently.

2015年4月22日 星期三

My Digital Camera, Thank You

When doing the cleaning-up, I have to give or throw away lots of handouts, copies of students' essays, newspaper clippings, notes, magazines, etc. Were it not for my digital camera, this would be too hard.

2015年4月21日 星期二

"Flip Your Classroom With EDpuzzle: Video Lessons"--from TESOL Blog


Flip Your Classroom With EDpuzzle: Video Lessons

Posted on 31 March 2015 by Tara Arntsen

As the flipped classroom approach continues to gain popularity, there are more and more sites to help teachers flip their classrooms. Delivering the content of a course to students outside the classroom usually entails the use of videos, and I have already suggested eduCanon and YouTube for that purpose in previous posts. If you have not tried either of those, or if they did not quite work out for you, I have another one today called EDpuzzle.

My comments: The flipped classroom approach requires students to learn the content of the subject by themselves with the help of videos or other resources made or provided by teachers. This way, they can learn at their own pace.

2015年4月20日 星期一

Homemade Gifts for Students

I used to make bookmarks for students as gifts. The above one, with the text of General MacArthur's Prayer for His Son, was given in the hope that the words might help students face challenges in life head on.

2015年4月19日 星期日

"Good Things to Learn"

This is a page of positive quotations I found in an old teaching file this evening. However, the website Geocities is closed. So I'd like to type it up and share. You don't need to agree with everything you read.

Good Things To Learn

Learn to laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine.

Learn how to tell a story. A well-told story is as welcome as a sunbeam in a sick room.

2015年4月18日 星期六

Taipei's best beef noodles

This dish is one of the things that people in Taipei are proud of. Click the link and enjoy an array of ictures of mouthwatering beef noodles.


Taipei's best beef noodles

By Dave Tacon, for CNN

Updated 2:54 AM ET, Wed April 15, 2015

Taipei, Taiwan (CNN)—Beef and noodles in broth -- how much can it mean to a city?

2015年4月17日 星期五

Does Everyone Have To Go To College?

Today while the painters were painting my apartment, we chatted. One of them, Mr. Wang, said it doesn't make any sense for students who don't have any interest in studies to go to college. Rather than wasting time doing what they don't like to do and actually not doing anything about studies, they should learn some skill and become an expert in a certain field.

2015年4月16日 星期四

Writing Poetry

Today I bumped into a handout made years ago. It reminded me of a poetry-writing activity I had students do outdoors because it was such a nice day that I decided not to keep students in the classroom. The students read four poems with the same pattern and then write in pairs one or more poems of their own. The following is what they read:

Rread and think.



new and bright

waking up

like a new start

if only I could skip school. (Yi-chun Tsou)

2015年4月15日 星期三

You Can Dream Differently


南一中第一名棄學測 拿普林斯頓獎學金

2015-04-15 08:23:20      聯合報 記者鄭惠仁/台南報導


2015年4月14日 星期二

A Beautiful Afternoon with Wonderful Friends

(Photos from Annie)

Before Shu (劉書真老師) goes back to the States tomorrow, we six, Shu, Annie (詹麗馨老師), Angel (林佩蓉老師), Yili (彭宜秝老師), Meiyun (張美雲老師) and I, set aside time from our busy schedule to have a gathering this afternoon.

2015年4月13日 星期一

To Let Go Or Not to

While cleaning out my home, I came across a lot of cards from students. To my surprise, I've still kept those from the junior high school students I taught more than 30 years ago. Now here's a dilemma: Should I keep or dump them? Finally, I decided to have them stay.

2015年4月12日 星期日

Hsiao-jen, Congratulations!

In the evening around 10 o'clock, Hsiao-jen, a former homeroom student who gradauted from NHSH in 2006, visited and gave me her engagement cake. She was engaged yesterday. I'm really happy for her and thank her for sharing with me the good news. We kept giving each other hugs.

A Gathering with Yuhan

2015年4月11日 星期六

New Taipei City English Speech Contest

Days ago, I was invited to be a judge for the New Taipei City Junior High School English Speech Contest, which was held today. The other two judges were Mark and Ms. Chiao-yu Chen.  

2015年4月10日 星期五

Teaching Values--"洪蘭/價值觀才是教育本質"--from UDN




2015年4月9日 星期四

A Gathering with Ching-yan

This noon, I had a gathering with Ching-yan, a former homeroom student who graduated in 2011 and is a senior at NTU majoring in English. He is graduating this June and planning to go on studying at graduate school.

2015年4月8日 星期三




2015-04-08 01:39:29      聯合報 周行一(國立政治大學校長)



An Episode

When it occurred to me that I hadn't written my blog a few minutes ago after I finished today's cleaning-up mission, it was already two minutes past twelve o'clock. It means that it was already April 8 and that I missed keeping the April 7 entry.

2015年4月6日 星期一

"A Plan for a Class Reunion"--A Full Score Essay on the 2005 CEEC Writing

The following is the only composition that scored full marks on the 2005 CEEC.

二、英文作文( 2 0 % )

說明:1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。2. 文長至少120個單詞。

提示︰指定科目考試完畢後,高中同學決定召開畢業後的第一次同學會,你被公推負責主辦。請將你打算籌辦的活動寫成一篇短文。文分兩段,第一段詳細介紹同學  會的時間、地點及活動內容,第二段則說明採取這種活動方式的理由。

2015年4月5日 星期日

"3 Thematic-Based Vocabulary Learning Websites"--from TESOL Bolg

When words of the same theme are learend together, students have enough vocabulary to talk about a related topic and make their talk more substantial. Therefore, I'm interested in dictionaries of this kind. And that's why Ms. Shvidko's blog caught my attention. Hopefully, there are some thematic-based vocabulary learning websites for different levels of English learners.


3 Thematic-Based Vocabulary Learning Websites

Posted on 3 April 2015 by Elena Shvidko

Let’s continue talking about online vocabulary resources! Today, I’d like to introduce three vocabulary websites for beginning-level learners, in which vocabulary items are organized based on themes. The features provided in these websites allow using them in class as well as for learning vocabulary independently.

2015年4月4日 星期六

A One-page Grammar Handout for Ninth Graders in Taiwan

(Please click the image twice to enlarge it.)

A perfect mess! Flipping through the old handouts and test papers to decide which to stay, I found this handout.

2015年4月3日 星期五

Tenses: Simple Future, Future Progressive, or Future Perfect?

This afternoon, my niece asked me an English grammar question:

What's the difference between simple future, future progressive, and future perfect tenses?

2015年4月2日 星期四

Entrance Exam or Not?--"聯考已不符時代需求"--from UDN


回應李家同 童子賢:聯考已不符時代需求

2015-04-01 08:09:58      聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導

「太多教育資源集中在PR值98以上的人 盼多關注底層的孩子」

清大榮譽講座教授李家同日前主張「李家同:不要再折磨年輕人 改回聯招吧」引起社會討論,和碩聯合科技董事長童子賢昨強調,聯考只是「形式」公平,不代表社會需要這些會考試的人,社會集中太多教育資源在培養PR值98以上的人,希望社會多關注底層PR值30以下的孩子,「他們將來可能會是台灣之光。」

"Success in English" by Bruce Bagnell

In a publication of Taipei Municipal Cung Cheng Senior High School, Y-generation (No. 2 April, 1996), I found this article by Mr. Bruce Bagnell.

2015年4月1日 星期三

Why Not?

This afternoon, I had a meet-up with Brian, a former student I taught at Chieh-show Junior High School, a gathering before he goes back to the States tomorrow. He talked about many Westerners' complext of superiority based on his own experience. At this, I mentioned the line in the song Colors of the Wind from the movie Pocahontas: "You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you." But I told him people are different. Some are arrogant; some are humble. This has been a fact since a long time ago.