2015年1月30日 星期五

"Ask Aunty"--a Reading and Writing Activity

Having students read a problem and then suggest a slolution is a way to enhance both their reading and writing ability. In Dec, 2011, during my last year of teaching, I used five "Ask Aunty" columns as as samples for students to read before they acted as "Aunty." The following is one of the samples.




Dear Aunty,I’m one of six assistants in a dental office. But I’m the newbie—there   just four months. I’ve tried to blend in and join conversations without   intruding, but the old gang ignores me. They go shopping together and out in   the evenings. No-one invites me. I think I’m a pleasant enough person. How   can I break into the charmed circle?Lonely

Dear Lonely,

Humans run in packs like dogs. When a new dog enters the pack, a lot   of sniffing out goes on. So bring cookies for everyone! Then try making   friends with one coworker. Invite her to lunch. If you hit it off, tell her   how hard you’re finding the situation at work. Chances are, she’ll take you   under her wing, er, paw.


Due on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011

Which among the five do you think is the smartest advice?  ___________

Mission: Now, it's your turn. Pick one sticky situation from the three below and give your advice.

Dear Aunty,I have a good friend who’s a foodaholic. When the front door opens, he   heads for my fridge and eats whatever is in sight. He weighs over 130   kilograms. I never raid his kitchen. I have told him his behavior bothers me,   but he laughs it off. What can I do to keep from getting angry each time?Buffet Buddy


The following is advice from students:


Dear Buffet,

Tell him that his behavior really offends you. If he still casts your warning to the winds, the next time he comes to your home, put nothing but a toy pig in your refrigerator. When he opens it," say, "I'm sorry. All my food has been eaten by this pig so I have nothing to feed you." He would feel very embarrassed and would not even dare to open your refrigerator anymore. (30117)  (My comments: Wow! But will this hurt?)


Dear Buffet,

Go to buy some super spicy, disgusting food. Every time he visits you, give him the food. Also warn him about the disease which foodaholics are susceptible to. (30129)


Dear Buffet,

If you couldn't change him, then change youreself! Just let him eat. And put only vegetables and fruits in your fridge. It will be healthier. So next time he pays you a visit, have a "light diet" with him!  (30103)     (My comments: Good!)


Dear Buffet,

Calm down! There is no need for you to get angry about this. Getting angry can't solve the problem. First, you can avoid bringing him to your home. Second, if he insists on going to your home and eats up all the food, then you should put as little food as possible in your fridge and tell him again that his behavior "really" bothers you. Last, since he is your good friend, why not help him get rid of this bad habit? Take him to the gym on weekends. I'm sure he will get healthier and won't raid your kitchen anymore.  (31120) (My comments: Great!)



The following are two more problems for the same mission:

Dear Aunty,I’ve had six jobs over the past three years. The longest was for 13   months while the shortest was just a week. Every time there’s a good job   opportunity, I would quit my current job. How can I avoid this kind of   attitude towards my career?



Dear Aunty,I’m 13 and I really think I should be able to date now. But my mum   says it’s too early. I’m embarrassed that I am the only guy in my level who   doesn’t have a girlfriend. I tried to convince Mum, but she just get mad.   What should I do?

Shy   Guy



