2015年1月31日 星期六

Happy Reunion with NTNU Classmates

(Photo from Hui-na)

A gathering of 14 NTNU classmates in the afternoon. Hui-na is from the States, Yu-hsia from Kaohsiung, Ching-feng and his wife from Yi-lan, and Pi-chun and Chung-er from Shanhsia.

2015年1月30日 星期五

"Ask Aunty"--a Reading and Writing Activity

Having students read a problem and then suggest a slolution is a way to enhance both their reading and writing ability. In Dec, 2011, during my last year of teaching, I used five "Ask Aunty" columns as as samples for students to read before they acted as "Aunty." The following is one of the samples

An Essay by June Chang

While cleaning up my study, I came acrosss this essay written by June Chang in Aug, 2010. Thanks to starting learning English early and extensive reading, June has a really good command of English. Chris, a colleague and friend, often said her writing was just like that of a native speaker of English, natural and fluent.

I didn't have the picture-telling writing task with me. However, by reading it, you might be able to imagine what the picture looks like.

2015年1月29日 星期四

2015年1月28日 星期三

A Time for Us

Yesterday evening, I had a gathering with three former students, Wei-hsiang (煒翔), Li-xuan (立軒), and Yi-lou (以洛), who are in my homeroom class from Aug. 2010 to June 2011. Besides them, Wei-hsiang's lovely mother and younger brother joined us. A long chat from 6pm to 10:10pm. Most of the time, they talked about what they've been doing and what they want to do in the near future.

2015年1月27日 星期二

Education Revolution--"教育改革 可能嗎?"--from UDN

I came across this UDN article while cleaning my study. Thanks to the Internet, I found its online version, so I could post it in my blog and throw away the newspaper.



白亦方/聯合報  20141104




2015年1月26日 星期一

A Gathering of Four

This noon, I had a gathering with Li-chu (陳麗珠老師) and two students of ours, Sao-yu (林紹瑜) and Po-chin (張博欽), both of whom are juniors in college. 

2015年1月25日 星期日

Viewpoint: The hazards of too much stuff

It was a coincidence that I came across this BBC article last night after posting yesterday's first entry, which dealt with decluttering.


Viewpoint: The hazards of too much stuff

24 January 2015 Last updated at 00:19

After the deluge of gifts many people have exchanged at Christmas, January seems a good time for soul-searching over the Western obsession with stuff, writes trend forecaster James Wallman. 

We have more stuff than we could ever need - kit we don't use, toys we don't play with, and clothes we don't wear.

Getting Together with Junior High Schoolmates

2015年1月24日 星期六


Cleaning up the study, with the sentence in mind, "Only keep what YOU need NOW." Papers such as copies of students' essay have to be discarded. Thanks to the digital camera, I took photos of them before recycling them.

2015年1月23日 星期五

Happy Gatherings with Former Students

(A selfie by Pei-yi)

Today I had two gatherings with former students, Hao-tang (楊皓棠), who graduated from NHSH in 2012, and Pei-yi (陳珮宜), a 2009 graduate.

2015年1月21日 星期三

Everyone Could Be Somebody--"名家縱論/人,才是王道"--from UDN



【聯合報╱徐重仁】2014.06.08 03:44 am


My comments: I believe so.

2015年1月20日 星期二

Happy birthday, Gina!

Spent a wonderful night with Gina, a former student, who has been very close to me since her third year of high school, when I taught her. Gina is a brilliant and hard-working woman, willing to give everything her best shot. She spent around 5 months at a winery in France to learn to taste wine and came back in late December last year.


2015年1月19日 星期一

American English at State

This is an interesting English teaching/learning resource on FB, which was shared by an FB friend Alice Lin. American English at State teaches English idioms, phrasal verbs, differences between some words, etc. It's worth a visit.


American English at State


2015年1月18日 星期日

American English--a Website for Teachers and Learners of EFL Abroad


American English

I bumped into this website when searching for an English learnng website "American English at State," which was recommended by an FB friend, Alice Lin.

2015年1月17日 星期六

Next Time When You Try Hard to Recall--"Memory recall 'better when eyes shut'"--from BBC


Memory recall 'better when eyes shut'

16 January 2015 Last updated at 02:45

Closing your eyes when trying to recall events increases the chances of accuracy, researchers at the University of Surrey suggest.

Scientists tested people's ability to remember details of films showing fake crime scenes.

2015年1月16日 星期五

Happy Gathering with Junior High Schoolmates

It's been a few months since I last saw my junior high schoolmates. Today we had a dinner gathering. Great that our beloved chemistry teacher Ms. Lee (李和美老師) joined us.

2015年1月15日 星期四

Take Care of the Basics--"李家同:教好加法、ABC 打通任督脈"--from the UDN


李家同:教好加法、ABC 打通任督脈
2015.01.01 02:29 am


2015年1月14日 星期三

2015年1月13日 星期二

Look Up - A Poem That Will Inspire You to Put Down Your Smartphone

This is a marvelous poem by Gary Turk, a writer and director. I came across it while looking for an online article "Put Down Your Smartphone," which I emailed to myself but haven't read.

A friend and former colleague said on FB that she found she'd spent too much time on the Net and that she would stop using FB on her smartphone. A smart decision!

Look Up

- A Poem That Will Inspire You to Put Down Your Smartphone

2015年1月12日 星期一

English Class in English--"師資設備佳 名校生不怕英聽"--from

I posted this news story not to discourage students in so-called underprivileged schools, but to invite teachers to create an English environment in school.


師資設備佳 名校生不怕英聽

2015年01月12日 04:09中國時報


My comments: To have a native speaker is not a must for doing this kind of activity. With willingness to speak English, a good teaching plan, and some worksheets, any teacher can conduct a group-discussion class in English.

2015年1月11日 星期日

Be a Useful Person--"名家縱論/做一個有用的人 迎接人生的挑戰"--from the UDN

A very inspirational article, especially for young people who want to pursue their career and make contributions to society.


名家縱論/做一個有用的人 迎接人生的挑戰

2015-01-11      聯合報 施振榮


My comments: As a Chinese proverb goes, "Filial piety is the beginning of virtue."

2015年1月10日 星期六

Achhikhabre--A Website for Positive News and Inspirational Stories



I'm co-writing practice reading test items for junior high school students. The other day, in an email, I told the lady  in charge of the compilation of the reading book that it was easier to write the reading passages than to decide on what to write about. In no time, she sent me some articles for my reference. On one of the pages, this website was recommended.

2015年1月9日 星期五

Get Energy-Conscious--"無關優惠 省電是生活教育"--from the UDN


無關優惠 省電是生活教育

2015-01-09      聯合報 李枝桃/國中校長(南投市)


2015年1月8日 星期四

Difference Between "Repair" and "Fix"--"同樣都翻成「修理」,repair跟fix有什麼差?"--from Business Weekly



撰文者周強 2015-01-05


憲法的英文是constitution,那「修憲」的英文字彙應該是用repair還是fix?英文媒體報導這樣寫:Amendment of constitution is a must: Chu

2015年1月7日 星期三

"5 Free Online Writing Labs"--from TESOL Blog


5 Free Online Writing Labs

Posted on 12 December 2014 by Elena Shvidko

As we all know, the Internet provides a wealth of teaching materials, and many of them are free of charge. There are lots of web-based resources that we, writing teachers, can use to help our students become better writers: websites for ESL teachers, online corpora, discussions and forums, just to name a few. I’d like to share another resource—online writing labs, or OWLs, as they are commonly known. Many universities and colleges offer freely accessible OWLs. I often use the OWL hosted by my university (Purdue OWL), and it helps me both in my teaching and in my research. And, of course, I recommend it to my students as well.

2015年1月6日 星期二

"The Human Library--"世新另類圖書館 能借書也能借人"--from UDN

Did you ever think about borrowing a human book from the library? If you are to be a human book, what would be your title?


世新另類圖書館 能借書也能借人

2015-01-05      聯合報 記者馮靖惠/台北報導

依教授專長分類 教拉花、教太極拳… 3年出借23「本」 一次卅分鐘到兩小時 但「不准攜出使用」


2015年1月5日 星期一

"The Myth of 'Practice Makes Perfect'"

A very good article. It points out that when it comes to learning skills, it's not how many hours you practice that counts but how you pracitce. Since the blogger doesn't allow copying and pasting, please click the link and visit the site to read this good article.


勤能補拙的神話  20120210

編譯  高英哲

The following is the cited passage in English by Gary Marcus, the psychologist who learned to play the guitar, as mentioned in this article. It could shed some light on why practice doesn't make perfect.

"But practice alone is not enough. Hundreds of thousands of people took music lessons when they were young and remember little or nothing. The second prerequisite is what Ericsson calls "deliberate practice", a constant sense of self-evaluation, of focusing on one's weaknesses rather than fooling around and playing to one's strengths. Studies show that practice aimed at remedying weaknesses is a better predictor of expertise than raw number of hours; playing for fun and repeating what you already know is not necessarily the same as efficiently reaching a new level. Most of the practice that most people do most of the time, be it in the pursuit of learning the guitar or improving their golf game, yields almost no effect. Sooner or later, most learners reach a plateau, repeating what they already know rather than battling their weaknesses, at which point progress becomes slow."

2015年1月4日 星期日

Tips for Improving Listening Skills--練英聽-「少量多餐」效果最好--from UDN



2015-01-04      聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導


2015年1月3日 星期六

Mind Your p's and q's--"廖玉蕙/掌握應對進退的分寸"--from UDN


2014.12.31 02:27 am


2015年1月1日 星期四

Welcome the New Year--"恩怨情仇、愛惡悲喜 心裡清空迎新年"--from UDN

I have always liked to read Ms. Lee's article.


恩怨情仇、愛惡悲喜 心裡清空迎新年
2015.01.01 02:29 am



Happy New Year, Everyone!


Happy New Year, everyone. Have a very good 2015. Wish you health, happiness, and love.