2013年6月26日 星期三

Friends, Stars in the Sky

Yesterday I had a lunch date with two old friends, Annie (詹麗馨老師) and Dominic (彭道明老師). It's been a long time since our last gathering, at which we had the company of Sarah (殷彩鳳老師). We four used to get together once in a while years ago and chatted about everything, English education our major concern. Sarah couldn't join us this time because she had a meeting in Kaohsiung. However, I told her on FB that she is always on our minds. That's true! I recall a sentence about friends: "Friends are like the stars in the sky. You don't see them always, but you know they are there."


The two people standing beside us in the last photo are Mr. Chen (陳世勳先生) and Ms. Liu (劉又華小姐). They offered superb service, which we three appreciated a lot.


