2013年6月30日 星期日

Reading Aloud in English Learning

One way to help English learners remember longer what they've learned is by reading aloud. I usually suggested students read a sentence or part of a long sentence silently, look up, and say it aloud, as if they were an anchorperson reporting news.

2013年6月28日 星期五

2013年6月26日 星期三

Friends, Stars in the Sky

Yesterday I had a lunch date with two old friends, Annie (詹麗馨老師) and Dominic (彭道明老師). It's been a long time since our last gathering, at which we had the company of Sarah (殷彩鳳老師). We four used to get together once in a while years ago and chatted about everything, English education our major concern. Sarah couldn't join us this time because she had a meeting in Kaohsiung. However, I told her on FB that she is always on our minds. That's true! I recall a sentence about friends: "Friends are like the stars in the sky. You don't see them always, but you know they are there."

2013年6月25日 星期二

Congratulations, 2013 University Graduates!

The gentlemen and ladies beside me in the photos are from Class 313, who graudated from NHSH in 2009 and are graduating from university this summer. They paid me a visit this morning. We met at the MOS near their alma mater. After a hearty chat, Yuan-an told me he and Chang-chen brought along with them their graudation gown for picture taking with me. I was really touched and glad to share the joy of their graduation.

2013年6月24日 星期一

A Happy Gathering with Students


Yen-yu invited me to a gathering with two other students, Michael and Chien-hsiang, from last year's Class 303 yesterday evening, before he left for a trip this morning. We had a nice chat, catching up on what we've missed during the last few months and talking about their summer plans.


Some Words Help--魚丸販成博士 想謝謝「蔡老師」

Inspired by words from a customer, a teacher surnamed Tsai, Mr. Huang, then a market vendor selling fish ball, pursued his studies and got his PhD degree in industry and business administration after 43 years, which changed the course of his life. Mr. Huang now owns two plumbing companies. He attributes his achievement to Ms. Tsai.


魚丸販成博士 想謝謝「蔡老師」
2013.06.24 02:33 am

2013年6月23日 星期日

Yes, You Can

This motivational and empowering graduation speech delivered at the 2012 NCCU commencement ceremony by Mr. Wu (吳岳勳), a nearly-blind man who received his master's degree in psychology, was introduced by a former student Ken (王慶剛) at a recent gathering.


2013年6月22日 星期六

2013年6月19日 星期三

2013年6月18日 星期二

Louvre, You Took My Breath Away

Visited Louvre today. Only stayed there for one and a half hours. According to the tour guide, if we spend 30 seconds on each art work, seeing all the treasures will take one year!

2013年6月17日 星期一

Can't Believe It! I'm in Paris

We left the Alps around 1pm, heading for Geneva to take TGV to Paris. It took us around 3 hours to get there, arriving at 9:49pm. When we got there, the sky was just gradually getting dark, but almost all the stores were closed. Now I'm in Paris, a place I've been dreaming to visit. Tomorrow is the first day to explore it.

Merci beaucoup!

2013年6月15日 星期六

Avignon, France

"Sur le pont d'Avignon..."  A song I learned in college when learning French.  And now I'm here in Avignon.

Arles, France

Arles, though painted with sunshine, still carries a shade of sadness.  A place where Vincent van Gogh found his inspiration and also fought against his mental illness.

2013年6月10日 星期一

There's a Difference

There IS a difference between these two sentences:

"You win some; you lose some."

"You lose some; you win some."

2013年6月5日 星期三

From the Book Finding Your Element--書摘/別問怎麼辦? 來趟追尋之旅

I've read Ken Robinson's The Element. It's a book for those who are interested in education. Very happy about his new book Finding Your Element. Will buy and enjoy it.


書摘/別問怎麼辦? 來趟追尋之旅
2013.06.05 04:34 am

2013年6月2日 星期日

Feast for the Eyes

A photo taken in front of the Beitou Library, the first Taipei's green library, on May 3. How I love the serene color of the flower!

2013年6月1日 星期六

Newbery Medal and Honor Books, 1922-Present

This website introduces Newbery Medal winning books since 1922.  You cannot only find the booklists but also brief description of each book.


Newbery Medal and Honor Books, 1922-Present