2010年5月28日 星期五

On Leadership--王文華:40世代的領導風範

A lesson in Book 5 is on leadership. The following UDN article can serve as a counterpart of the lesson.


2010.05.28 02:34 am

2010年5月24日 星期一

A Fantastic Blog for Avid Readers

Today's UDN introduces a very good blog for avid readers. The following is the link to the news report, followed by the link to an entry of the blog.

部落夯客酪梨壽司 炒熱讀書瘋

聯合新聞網 2010/05/24




2010年5月23日 星期日

Get to Know the Rule

This morning, I had my car towed away.

George and I ate breakfast at Ikari. When we stepped out of the cafe, we couldn't see our car, which had been parked at the motorcycle parking lot near the cafe. George had parked there because he had a vague idea that motorcycle parking lots were OK for car parking on Sunday. The sign "NT$20 from Monday to Saturday" had confirmed his thought. However, our car was towed away.

2010年5月21日 星期五

A Letter to President Ma from a Fifth Grader

The following is a letter to President Ma from a fifth grader. I was amazed at her insight into current Taiwan's situation and concrete proposals.



2010.05.20 02:56 am

2010年5月19日 星期三

Ken's Visit, plus The Power of Education

Ken and me

Ken (王慶剛) paid me a visit this morning. He talked about the conference in Berkley he attended in early April as one of the Taiwan delegates. According to him, the mainland China delegates did regard Taiwan as part of China.

2010年5月18日 星期二

The Best Cram School in Asia

The latest issue of TIME (May 24, 2010) features The Best of Asia. The following article is in the Best for Mind category.


Do the Math

By Jyoti Thottam Thursday, May. 13, 2010

 Best Cram School

Patna, India

2010年5月15日 星期六

2010年5月12日 星期三

2010年5月11日 星期二

Give Your Mom a Big Hug--母親節夢幻禮 給媽媽一個擁抱!

Though Mother's Day was two days ago, I'd still like to share this article with everyone.

母親節夢幻禮 給媽媽一個擁抱!

2010.05.09 03:05 am

2010年5月9日 星期日

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all moms!

In Thursday's English class, thirty minutes before the dismissal bell rang, I let my homeroom class watch two song videos: Anita Renfroe's "The Mom Song," which my dear friend Annie had introduced to me, and Il Divo's "Mama," both of which I'd already inserted in my blog on Wednesday.

2010年5月8日 星期六

A Meaningful Grammar Practice

Yesterday, in both classes, we came to the sentence patterns in Unit 9: get/have + O + V-en; let + O + be V-en. After getting the students familiar with the forms, I had them make sentences using the sentence patterns based on the situation I gave. For example, after hearing me say, "My hair is too long," they can respond with "Get/Have it cut." The following are the cues I gave:

2010年5月6日 星期四

The Pride of Taiwan



2010.05.06 02:00 am

2010年5月5日 星期三

Two Songs for Mother's Day

This coming Sunday is Mother's Day. I'd like to share with you two song videos from YouTube. The moods of the two songs are a world apart.

Shall We Sing?


In today's morning assembly, the juniors were asked to sing or recite the song "You Raise Me Up" from memory. Usually, the hostess would draw a seat number (Scream!) and then three class numbers (Scream +1!) to decide who were going on stage. To help my students avoid being an "outsider," a word they learned yesterday in Unit 9, this morning I had Class 209 go on stage and sing in front of all the juniors. They did a lovely job!

2010年5月3日 星期一

Chen Shu-chu

Perhaps today's best news is that our fellow countrywoman Chen Shu-chu's being one of the 100 most influential people listed by the TIME magazine. Ms. Chen was enlisted in the category of Heroes. The article written by the famous Taiwan-born director Ang Lee is quite easy and touching.


2010年5月2日 星期日

Like Father Like Son--吳德朗律己甚嚴兒子‘有樣學樣’

The following two articles are from today's United Evening News, which I came across online. Mr. Wu is former president of College of Medicine at Chang Gung University.





吳德朗運動、飲食 規律又有紀律
