2009年6月13日 星期六

Tips on How to Prepare for the UEE English Test

Yesterday, the UDN provided UEE takers with some tips on how to prepare for the English test in the last 20 days. 


I add some comments as follows:
指考衝刺搶分/英文 熟讀7千單字





指考會出現較有挑戰的單字,如去年考「非常地」,不用very,而用remarkably;也常考易混淆的字形,如95年考integrity(正直)、inferiority(劣等)、intimacy(親密)、ingenuity(精巧);也考慣用語,如「equip...人...with 」,是使人具備某種能力之意。

My comments: Even if you come across a distractor which is totally new to you, don't panic.  More often than not, you still can choose the right answer if you know the other three words.

第二大題綜合測驗,即俗稱克漏字,主要考文法、上下語意及慣用詞,常考文法包括because、although等連接詞;however、therefore 等轉承語詞;分詞構句、使役動詞、感官動詞、動名詞、不定詞等重要句型;及動詞時態、假設語氣等

My comments: Decide first whether you're tested on grammar or vocabulary.  Imagine you're the test item writer.  What do YOU want to test the students on?


My comments: Look at the ten word choices first.  Write by them what word case (s) they belong to respectively: n, v, adj, or adv? 


My comments: Look at the five sentence choices first.  Circle the key word.  Usually, small words like "it," "he," "the," "these," etc. give you clues to where you should put the sentence in the passage because they must refer to some nouns mentioned in the previous sentence.


My comments: Read the questions first.  Circle the key word(s) in the questions so that you know what to look for when reading the passages. 


My comments: Try to finish the multiple choice part in 50 minutes at most.  Then you have 20~25 minutes for the writing part.  For the translation part, locate the subject and the main verb(s).  Pay attention to the verb tense.  As for the composition, make a brief outline before starting to write.  With the outline, you only have to add some details and your essay won't have problem with organization.  To meet the requirement that you have to write at least 120 words, write about 7~8 sentences for each paragraph if you're asked to write two paragraphs.  Put similar ideas together, and use transitional words, such as "besides," "therefore," "however," etc. to connect your ideas smoothly.  Give a topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph and a sensible and better yet, impressive, concluding sentence. 

Final reminder: Take the exam as a game, in a good mood.  When reading those passages on the test, think to yourself that you're reading for new information, reading for pleasure, rather than taking an exam.

