2009年6月12日 星期五

My Favorite Word--2

Here is another essay by a different student on the topic "My Favorite Word." 

My Favorite  Word

     My favorite word is "business." It is the first vocabulary word I've learned which is composed of over five letters.  When I was six years old, the kindergarten teacher usually taught us some easy words composed of less than five letters, like "car," or "zebra" in the morning. One day, she wrote the word "business" on the whiteboard and then said whoever could spell it after three minutes would get a lollipop.  My friend Jen raised her hand immediately and then correctly spelt the word without looking at it.  I was astonished how she could remember it in such a short time, so I asked her to teach me.  "You just need to combine the words 'bus,' 'in,' and 'ass,' because 'business' can be divided into the three words.  However, remember, a bus will never be in an ass, so it's 'business' rather than 'businass.'"  Although this methord was a little ridiculous, it was effective.

      As a six-year-old, it was hard for me to remember long words.  Nevertheless, applying the method with which I learned how to spell "business," I could remember them easily and quickly. That's why I love the word "business."  It is a milestone on my English learning journey.  (202 words) (313 周書緯)

