2008年9月28日 星期日

To College Freshmen--from the book Harvard Style

On page 86 of the book Harvard Style, there are a list of Dos and Don'ts for college freshmen:

1. Don't take part in too many extracurricular activities. (不要參加太多課外活動﹗)

    Reason: Too many extracurricular activities will make time management more difficult and blur one's life focus in college.

2. Don't fall in love in the first year of college; at least, avoid it in the first semester. (一年級時不要談戀愛!)

    Reason: Falling in love in the first semester will deprive one of the chance to get to know new friends.

3. Buy used textbooks.(買舊的教科書!)

    Reason: College textbooks are very expensive and most of them are used only for one semester.

4. Get familiar with efficient study strategies. (熟悉有效率的讀書方法﹗)

    Reason: There are too much to read or study, so it's important to tell what requires intensive reading from what doesn't.


