2008年9月30日 星期二

2008年9月29日 星期一

2008年9月28日 星期日

Happy Teacher's Day

This is how Lungshan Junior High School celebrated Teacher's Day.  They took it seriously.  Quite touching.



To College Freshmen--from the book Harvard Style

On page 86 of the book Harvard Style, there are a list of Dos and Don'ts for college freshmen:

1. Don't take part in too many extracurricular activities. (不要參加太多課外活動﹗)

2008年9月27日 星期六

Harvard Style 上哈佛真正學到的事

Today I came across a book in the bookstore, 上哈佛真正學到的事 (Harvard Style).  It was written by 姜仁仙 (Kang In-Sun), a Korean journalist and translated by 蕭素菁.  On the cover are the words as follows:

2008年9月26日 星期五

The toxic milk scandal

Recently, the public has been panicking over the Chinese toxic milk scandal.  I don't understand why there were people who would put money before others' life.  If they had felt empathy for those consumers, they wouldn't have produced the toxic milk.  They need empathy training.

2008年9月25日 星期四

Warm up for Unit 3 "What It Takes to Be a Good Leader"

The title of Unit 3 seems very serious.  So I had to try to arouse students' interest in discussing this topic.  The following is my lead-in activity:

2008年9月24日 星期三

To Etta

Dear Etta,

Then since you've taken the TOEFL, do you have any advice for both English learners and teachers?


2008年9月23日 星期二


A student walked up to me during the break this afternoon.   Appearing a little sad, she told me that she got only an 87 on this morning's review quiz.  Eighty-seven!  It was quite good for many students! 

2008年9月22日 星期一

Learning English is not a matter of months.

A former student who graduated from NHSH about 7 years ago called me last night and we chatted over the phone for about 40 minutes. 

He has been very good at math since I taught him English in his 2nd year of high school.  He was studying math textbooks in English then.  Later, he was admitted to National Chinghua University and then NTU graduate school.  Now he is planning to go abroad for his PhD degree. 

2008年9月21日 星期日

Secret to success on the UEE

To go to the university of your first choice is not that hard.   Determination, concentration, and health are the key. 


You don't need to go to cram school.  In fact, having too many cram school classes will deprive you of time to study and think on your own.


2008年9月20日 星期六

Use English in English Class

According to today's United Daily News, Taiwan, as a whole, is weak at English.


Prof. Lee suggested that listening, speaking, and writing should be covered in English tests.  Besides, he mentioned English teachers are a decisive factor too.  According to him, though students in Taiwan start to learn English in third grade, some are not taught by English teachers, but by teachers who can't really speak English. 

Personally, I believe only by using as much English as possible in class can we improve the English ability of learners in Taiwan.  Language is a habit.  To form a habit, continual reinforcement is a must. 


2008年9月19日 星期五

A Flasher!

The day before yesterday, at the beginning of the eighth period of class, Class 310 told me during the break they saw a flasher in the park by our school. 

2008年9月18日 星期四

Time Tested Beauty Tips by Sam Levenson

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

I came across the first four lines of this poem in Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirt, a book written by Hepburn's son, Sean Hepburn Ferrer.  Audrey Hepburn was beauty itself, and "Time Tested Beauty Tips" was one of her favorite poems. 



2008年9月17日 星期三

A good sleep

This afternoon I asked Class 310 what is most important to them.  Many of them said having friends.  A student answered, "Sleep."  I remember when I asked my former students what they wanted to do most, many of them would answer, "Sleep."   It seems that generally speaking, high school students in Taipei don't get enough sleep.  Is it because they have so much to do--homework, preparation for countless tests, cram school to attend, etc.--or because they don't manage their time well? 


2008年9月16日 星期二

What is most important to you?

In the last paragraph of Unit 1 "Dying to Look Beautiful," a question is raised: "What is most important to you?" 

2008年9月15日 星期一

Libraries of English Books and Magazines

Today two more students in Class 313 came to borrow Reader's Digest.  Pei-ling (陳培玲), a student in Class 310, came and told me she had read 3 articles in the Reader's Digest I lent her last Friday.  Good for her!  All of them made my day.

2008年9月14日 星期日

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)

TED is a website where you can watch/listen to some outstanding thinkers and doers, for example, Jane Goodall and Amy Tan, talk about their lives or interesting issues in 18 minutes, for free.   Click the following URL and you can reach it.


2008年9月13日 星期六

To Tracy

Tracy left her comments on my "A Lead-in Activity for Unit 1" in my Life Type blog as follows:

Dear June,

Thank you so much for allowing me to sit in on your class, and I really enjoyed it! To my amazement, you taught in almost all-English, but still, the class was so attentive and responsive. I am always curious in what way the top-down teaching method can be effective, and your teaching method certainly inspired me a lot. :D If you don't find that bothering, may I sit in on your class for a few more times, please?

Posted by Tracy at 12/09/2008, 21:20

Here is my response to her:

2008年9月12日 星期五

Please read

Today I lent 6 students different back issues of Reader's Digest. I told them to read under no pressure. They don't need to give any report or take any quiz. I suggested they just read a few pages before they go to sleep. They can even read only one article in the magazine, return it to me, and borrow another one. In my opinion, getting into the habit of reading plays a crucial role in learning a language. By reading, they review hundreds or even thousands of words at a time. If they feel at ease reading English, they won't find it hard to take the English test, because that's what they do in their daily lives.

I hope they will enjoy reading the magazine.

2008年9月11日 星期四

A Lead-in Activity for Unit 1 "Dying to Look Beautiful"

I started Unit 1 in Class 314 today. The title is "Dying to Look Beautiful." Because their class starts right after the nap time, I played a slow song first, "Yesterday Once More," to help them wake up. I asked them who the singers were. They replied, "The Carpenters." Then I mentioned Karen Carpenter and asked the students if they knew how she died. They knew it! She died from anorexia nervosa. Of course, they gave me the answer in Chinese. So I wrote the English term on the blackboard. Then I asked them how she got the illness. With these questions, I gradually led them into the topic, "Dying to Look Beautiful."

2008年9月10日 星期三

Using English in Class

This noon, Yi-ching (陳怡晴) paid me a visit and we had a good 2-hour chat over lunch.  In our conversation, Yi-ching asked if my new students were shocked at our first encounter by my speaking English for almost the whole class period.  I said some were and some weren't. 

2008年9月9日 星期二

A Correction

Today when I was teaching Class 314, I mentioned Jimmy's story. However, a student told me that he has already recovered from his sickness. After I went home, I checked online and found that Jimmy got leukemia 13 years ago, but, thanks to the doctor's treatment, he recovered.

Last Saturday, I just read the headline of the news. And that was why I made the mistake. I feel sorry about my lazy eyes.

The following is the complete news story.


Now I'm very happy to say, "Congratulations, Jimmy!"

2008年9月8日 星期一

The only certainty is the uncertainty.

I was shocked by two pieces of news last Saturday.  One was that the famous writer Chao-ning (趙寧)passed away on Friday, at the age of 66.  The other was that Jimmy (幾米), a well-known illustrator, suffered from leukemia.  The headline said Jimmy has cried every day since he got to know he had cancer.  I feel great sympathy for him, not only for his physical pain but also for his mental suffering.

2008年9月7日 星期日


This evening, my former student Max, his girlfriend, and I had dinner together. Max talked about the second business he is going to start.

2008年9月6日 星期六

The Secret

I started to read the book The Secret the day before yesterday. Though I haven't had half done, I've already got the gist. According to the book, our thoughts lead us to where we belong. If we always have good thoughts, good things will be around us. If we have bad thoughts all the time, bad things will certainly come to us. This is the law of attraction.

I like a sentence on page 21, "Your mind is actually shaping the world around you."

2008年9月5日 星期五

Do we really see what we are supposed to see?

Today I didn't have to proctor the test, but since this is the students' first mock exam, I still went to school and went to each of the three classes to remind them of the dos and don'ts.  The first thing I said to them was the English test lasted only 100 minutes, unlike the Chinese test, which lasted 120 minutes.  However, when I turned and looked, I found on the blackboards of two classes the time schedules for the test were wrong. 

Beyond Genius -- Sep. 4, 2008 entry

Sep. 4, 2008

This evening starting from 8:00, my phone line got disconnected. I put it on my calendar a few days ago to remind myself to write my blog before 8pm, but I still forgot it. A sign of aging?

However, I still have a way to keep my blog. I kept it on Word so that I could copy and paste it in my blog later.

2008年9月3日 星期三


Being an English teacher, I have to face challenges from students every day.  Yesterday, a student asked me how to say 圓周率 in English.  I said Pi, but not sure if it was English. 

2008年9月2日 星期二

Including English tests in national exams

On the front page of today's United Daily runs the story news that President Ma proposed at a luncheon yesterday to include English tests in all national exams so as to enhance our public servants' global competitiveness.


In my opinion, whether our government employees need to master English depends on what they are supposed to do at their jobs.  Are they required to use a lot of English at work?  If not, their expertise should come first.


2008年9月1日 星期一

Thanks, Annie and Hung

In my LifeType blog, my former students Annie and Hung left their response to the "English song" question. 


Here is my response to their answers.

Dear Annie and Hung,

Thank you for your response. All the three songs are among my favorites. Not only are their melodies beautiful but their lyrics inspire. Among the three, I taught "the Rose" almost every year. Its lyrics are as follows: