2008年7月1日 星期二

How He Got a 91.5 in English on the UEE

Today Diego (邱元亨) came to visit me. I told him a student once asked me how she could get over 90 in English on the UEE. Since Diego got a 91.5 on the UEE, I asked him to offer some advice. The following are his suggestions:

I. Read extensively. (He read Fortune even during the month before the UEE.)

II. Enhance the ability to analyze a sentence; that is, be familiar with sentence structures, for example, S + V + O, S + V + SC, etc. This ability is important when you come across some difficult complicated sentences. He especially emphasized the ability to locate the relative clause.

III. Review the vocabulary and sentence patterns in the textbook in the month before the UEE. But you have to read the text when preparing for the mid-term in school.

IV. Practice writing compositions very often even if you can't find someone to read them. Pay attention to the organization: topic sentence, supporting sentences, and conclusion.

When Diego was taking the English test on the UEE, he took a look at the topic of the composition first, and then he answered the questions from the beginning. When it comes to writing, he said being creative is important.

If you want to ask him more questions, you can reach him at 0958-531-523. I put his phone number here with his permission.

Thanks a bunch, Diego.

