2008年7月9日 星期三

Annie: a wonderful friend

Annie and me at lunch

Annie (詹麗馨), who I have known for around 15 years, is a caring friend. She visits my blog almost every day to keep track of my life. She often shares with me what she reads, what she learns, and even some cute stuff. I remember once I got cystitis, or inflammation of the urinary bladder. Knowing one of the causes was not drinking enough water, she bought a water bottle for me so that I could carry it around and drink enough water. I was touched. It was really nice of her to do so. The water bottle is a token of a friend's love and care.

Annie is an avid reader. Whenever she has time, she digs into books. So she is a valuable resource center. Read her blog and you'll know what I mean


Annie is an efficient teacher. Under her guidance, her class not only performs well in academic work but also behaves well. Knowing the importance of reading, she spent around 15 minutes every morning guiding her class in reading a story or an article. She cares about her students.

I'm blessed to have Annie as my friend.

