2016年4月30日 星期六

Ting-chun, Long Time No See!

Time: 10:30~13:30

Place: T.B.C. Cafe

I had a tight schedule today. To begin with, I had a meet-up with Ting-chun (陳亭君), who I haven't seen for around 10 years. Next, I visited my sister-in-law in the hospice with George, followed by attending a former student's college graduation fashion show at 7pm.

2016年4月29日 星期五

Phone Scams_What's Wrong with Our Education?

This afternoon, I heard on the read a poignant talk about telephone scams. The host interviewed an editor of the magazine Businesstoday, the newest issue of which features phone frauds by Taiwanese.

What a shame! The host mentioned there have been 100,000 scammers in Taiwan. Many of them have their base in foreign countries. From those countries, they called innocent people in Taiwan and China to cheat them out of money. The host asked once in a while what was wrong with Taiwan's education.

2016年4月27日 星期三

Tips for Making Great Progress on TOEIC in a Year--"高二生多益980分 1年進步400分怎辦到的?"


高二生多益980分 1年進步400分怎辦到的?

2016-04-22 10:17 聯合報 記者廖雅欣/宜蘭報導



My comments: Intrinsic motivation counts most.

2016年4月26日 星期二

High School Student Finishes an English Sci-Fi in Three Years--"英文太好免修課 南一中生寫出10萬字英文科幻小說"

Good language learners have been the subject of several studies. Besides their aptitude, their attitude and strategies are the key.


英文太好免修課 南一中生寫出10萬字英文科幻小說

2016-04-14 07:49 聯合報 記者鄭惠仁/台南報導



2016年4月25日 星期一

Yi-fang, Brilliant Piano Recital!

Time: 7:30pm, Apr. 25, 2016

Place: Recital Hall, National Concert Hall, Taipei

Pianist: Yi-Fang Lee

(Left to Right: Yi-fang's mother, father, my aunt Lily Hong, me, Li-chu Chen)

Thank you, Lily for inviting me to the concert.

2016年4月23日 星期六

"Watch: Shakespeare’s Life in 1 Minute"--from TIME


Watch: Shakespeare’s Life in 1 Minute

April 23 marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death

"Merriam-Webster Adds ‘FOMO,’ ‘Mx.’ and About 2,000 Other Words"


Merriam-Webster Adds ‘FOMO,’ ‘Mx.’ and About 2,000 Other Words

Katy Steinmetz @katysteinmetz

'Trigger warning,' 'hella' and 'athleisure' also made the list

Merriam-Webster announced the latest additions to the company’s unabridged dictionary on Wednesday. Among the 2,000-odd entries are the likes of FOMO, the acronym for the “fear of missing out” that so plagues the young, as well as Mx., a gender-neutral honorific for those who don’t care for options such as Mr. or Mrs.

2016年4月22日 星期五

Simplicity is Beauty--"李清志/極簡生活大作戰"--from UDN



2016-04-22 03:08 聯合報 李清志(實踐大學建築設計系副教授)


My comments: Less than 10 pieces of clothes?! Unbelievable! I wonder if she threw away letters, photos, or yearbooks.

Skyping with Brian

This morning, I spent one and a half hours skyping with Brian, a former student from Chiehshow Junior High School who I taught around 25 years ago.

Besides catching up with what we've missed for the last three months, we chatted about religion, integrity, trips, relationships between parents and children, happiness, etc. I told Brian 25 years ago that he was a philosopher. And he is still one now.

2016年4月21日 星期四

Annie and I, Afternoon Tea with Stacy

This photo, taken by Stacy (邱靖媛) with Annie's camera this afternoon at our gathering, was edited by Annie (詹麗馨). Annie and I are the author of the books you see on the photo. The one I hold was published in January, 2014, and the one in Annie's hands in January, 2015. Annie and I have cooperated in writing books and practice/mock tests for junior high school students for many years. Our writing SOP goes like this: We write the parts we individually are responsible for and exchange what we've finished for each other's modification advice.

2016年4月20日 星期三

Enjoying a Chinese Drama with High School Classmates

Time: 7:30pm~10:30pm

Place: The Metropolitan Hall, Taipei

Particpants: Mei-chu (陳美珠), Pi-hsiang (黃碧香), Chiu-xuan (丘秋萱), and me


2016年4月19日 星期二

Substitute Teaching for Two Hours

In mid March, I agreed to go back to NHSH to teach two freshman classes as a substitute from late April to the end of the semester. And this afternoon I taught Class 101 for the first and also the last time. Yesterday evening I suddenly found out I was much needed by my in-law's family so I sent a LINE message late in the night to the dean Ms. Han, explaining my situation and asking if I could quit the substitute teaching after today.  I apologized. This early morning, I got her response, saying she understood and that she would solve the problem. This afternoon, when I arrived at school, she had already found a substitute for me, who is starting to teach on Thursday.

2016年4月18日 星期一

柏格曼:老師再不變 恐被YouTube取代


柏格曼:老師再不變 恐被YouTube取代

2016-04-18 06:58:50 聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導



College Admission & Flipped Classroom--"大學招生看幾級分 教室難翻轉"--from UDN


大學招生看幾級分 教室難翻轉

2016-04-18 07:07:56 聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導


2016年4月17日 星期日

柏格曼談效率學習 「家中學習、上課複習」


柏格曼談效率學習 「家中學習、上課複習」

2016-04-14 10:06 聯合報 記者羅緗綸/新豐報導

忠信學校邀強納森柏格曼與新竹各校校長分享翻轉學習,課堂上掃瞄卡片可掌握學生學習情形。 記者羅緗綸/攝影

(I reduced the size of the photo.)


My comments: I have been very interested in the flipped classroom. Maximizing the time for discussion in class is what I strived to do when I taught in school.

2016年4月16日 星期六

Interaction & Flipped Classroom--"柏格曼:翻轉不用太多高科技 重點是互動"--from UDN


柏格曼:翻轉不用太多高科技 重點是互動

2016-04-13 07:59 聯合報 記者蔣繼平/屏東縣報導


Voices of Art, a Concert

Time: 7:30pm, Apr. 16, 2016

Place: Song Yi Hall, Soochow University, Taipei

2016年4月15日 星期五




2016-04-11 08:26 聯合報 記者林秀姿/台北報導



2016年4月13日 星期三

The Flipped Classroom--"翻轉教室創始人柏格曼:在教室完成學習 消滅補習文化"


翻轉教室創始人柏格曼:在教室完成學習 消滅補習文化

2016-04-11 08:24 聯合報 記者林秀姿/專訪

唯有翻轉教室,才能消滅補習班。」翻轉教室浪潮的創始人強納森柏格曼(Jonathan Bergmann)將到亞洲巡迴演講,首站接受聯合報系邀請來台。訪台前夕,他接受聯合報越洋專訪表示,在美國很少學生下課後「補習」,但這幾年他才驚訝於韓國、中國大陸、台灣補習風氣大盛。

My comments: Cram school has been exisiting in Taiwan for ages.


2016年4月12日 星期二

Give Kids the Chance to Take Their Own Responsibility--"對孩子最好的保護就是 不保護"

對孩子最好的保護就是 不保護



最近跟他父母要錢,想去美國遊學,朋友來問我該不該讓他去?我望著他蒼蒼的白髮說:「你如果真的要為孩子好,讓他去,但是不要給他錢。」我想到了我妹婿的故事。我妹婿是美國人,從小就想作水手,嚮往外面的世界,想先環遊世界再回學校念。 雖然他父親是醫生,家庭經濟環境許可,但是父母並不給他錢,他也沒向家裡要,高中一畢業就先去阿拉斯加伐木存錢。因為阿拉斯加夏天日照很長,太陽到午夜才落下,三點多又升上來了。

2016年4月11日 星期一

Wei-yu and Yun-chien, Congratulations!

Time: 12pm~16pm, April 9, 2016

Place: 33rd floor, World Trade Center Club, Taipei

At my high schoo classmate Meiguey's (陳美桂) invitation, I attended her son Wei-yu's wedding. I was one of the two high school classmates she invited. We three were close friends back then.

2016年4月10日 星期日

Gathering with Junior High Schoolmates & Birthday Celebration

Time: 6pm~10:20pm, Apr. 8, 2016

Place: HuaKang Palace Wedding Party Hall (華港城婚宴會館), Taipei

Participants: Three teachers and 34 among Xin-xing Junior High School's first graduates, from all walks of life.

2016年4月9日 星期六

What Book Would You Be in a Human Library?

At our 3/28 gathering, I mentioned the human library and also asked Vicky if she were a "book" in a human library, what book she would be. Before she answered my question, I told her what I would be: People could borrow and "read" me as a grammar book. Hearing this, Vicky laughed and said, "Well, I think you could also be a life book, guiding the users to positive thinking and happiness. I was glad about it.

Students observe, and they know what kind of person you are.

2016年4月8日 星期五

It Is Love That Works--"「那種有問題的小孩,不要跟我的孩子同班」孩子的人格扭曲,你我也曾經是幫凶?"--from Business Weekly





My comments: In his speech years ago, Mr. Cheng, Shih-yan (鄭石岩) said that the most important things to teach kids are being kind and being happy. He didn't mention success at all.

2016年4月6日 星期三

Hi or Dear? English for Email--"寫email,何時該用Hi、何時該用Dear開頭?"--from BusinessWeekly






A Time for Us

Time: 11:30am~3pm, Apr. 6, 2016

Place: New hama, Taipei

Participants: Mr. Lin (林煇校長), Meihua (許玫華老師), and me

2016年4月5日 星期二

Everyone Does His Best--"周行一/易子而教"--from UDN



2016-04-05 01:30 聯合報 周行一


2016年4月3日 星期日

Teaching Writing to Young Learners: 10 Online Resources


Teaching Writing to Young Learners: 10 Online Resources

Posted on 1 April 2016 by Elena Shvidko

Today I will share a few websites that contain helpful resources and materials for teaching writing to young learners.

1. Creative Writing Teacher Resources

This collection of printables, graphic organizers, lesson plans, and activities helps teachers to build learner’ creative writing skills. The resources include poetry writing activities, journal topics, art projects, short-story writing exercises, scoring rubrics, and other printable worksheets.

2016年4月2日 星期六

Gathering with Diego

Time: 6pm~10pm, April 2, 2016

Place: VaPiano, Taipei

At each gathering, I can feel the eagerness of learning in Diego. This evening, he told me he is used to acquiring knowledge online. What amazes me is not only the width of his knowledge, but the depth. If you read the commentaries he posted on his FB page, you know what I mean.

2016年4月1日 星期五

Trip to Yilan with Junior High Schoolmates

Time: 11am (arrived at Yilan) ~ 5pm

Place: Yilan

Participants: 高儷綾, 唐銑, 陳俊智, 張同科, 杜欽榮, 蕭瑞陞, 淑華, 連莉霞, 許啟育, 周毓彥, and me