2015年2月6日 星期五

Happy TFG Class Reunion

(Photo from Meichu)



(I took the above two photos with Meichu's new camera.)

Our beloved homeroom teacher, Ms. Lin, who's attended almost all our reunions in the past years.

2015 TFG Class Reunion

Time: 12:00pm, Feb. 5, 2015

Place: Sufood, F3, 79, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei

Attendees: 林瑮珊老師 陳美珠 周秀蘋 陳萬玲 秦麗香 陳慧蟬 唐碗莉 許慧敏 陳文君 黃曼芬 黃瑞娟 謝金森 侯明德 高素真 游美霞 and me, 16 persons in total.

(All the above photos are from Mei-chu.)

And guess what? I came across a college classmate Hsiao-li Tung at the same restaurant, who was having a reunion with her colleagues in Affiliated Senior High School of NTNU.

(from Hsiao-li)


(from Mei-chu)


