2015年2月23日 星期一

A Heartfelt Gathering

(Photo From Annie)

(Photo from Annie)

This afternoon at Yung-ho, I had a gathering with four inspiring teacher friends, Mr. Chou (周中天老師), Mr. Peng (彭道明老師), Annie (詹麗馨老師), Sarah (殷彩鳳老師). As usual, we chatted to our hearts' content. We stayed in the cafe from 12:30pm to around 5pm. If we hadn't needed to go home to eat dinner with our families, we could have talked on and on until the cafe closed.

We shared everything with each other: teaching experience, life, work attitude, marriage, family, care about our mutual friends, etc. Every get-together is such a wonderful experience that I always look forward to next one the moment we bid adieu.

I had only four photos taken with my camera today. All the pictures below were from Annie and Sarah.

From Annie:




