2014年4月22日 星期二

No Venture, No Gain

Today George and I took my mom-in-law to China Medical University Hospital in Yunlin for an evaluation by Dr. Lin Hsin-jung (林欣榮醫師) to see if she could undergo a medical experiment intended to enable stroke patients to move their stroke-impaired limbs on their own. It took us about four hours to drive to the hospital. Since my mom-in-law got a stroke around ten years ago and the old MRI images on the CD from the hospital she received treatment then didn't show sufficient information Dr. Lin needed, my mom-in-law has to go back to the hospital for an MRI scan in mid-May.

My mom-in-law kind of has cold feet. On the way back to Taipei, she asked me to cancel the appointment because it is too far and because our effort might not pay off. However, I don't want her to give up. Even if she is not qualified after further evaluation or the experiment doesn't work at all, at least we have tried.

As I often told my students, hard work doesn't guarantee success, but without hard work, there is definitely no chance to succeed.

