2014年4月2日 星期三

Class 120

Class 120 is a quiet class. They accept whatever is given to them, if not willingly, then without complaint. Take tests for example. Before the 1st mid-term, they were given quite a few review quizzes, but I didn't hear them whine or see any frown.

Yen-lun, a student in the class, kindly told me today that his classmates didn't participate as actively as I expected them to not because they didn't want to but because they sometimes couldn't understand my fast English. For this, I felt sorry.

One thing that touched me today was when Chi-wen answered my questions. The day before yesterday, at the beginning of class when I asked the class whether they liked to come to school, some said no. Then I asked for the reason, and Chi-wen murmured, "It's boring." After class, I suggested he contribute to discussion actively instead of just listening passively in class. He promised and in today's class, he answered my questions. Good for him!

I've already had Classes 109's and 116's group photos taken and posted them on my blog, and Class 120 is no exception. Although I don't know many of their names, I taught all of them with love.

